Maintenance Calories

Hi, I've recently reached goal and would like some advice on how to set my maintenance calories. I'm a mum of 3 a, 5 year old and 3 year old twins. I don't drive so do spend a lot of my day walking and pushing a double buggy for school runs etc. Before I reached goal my activity was set at sedentary. My question is if I am roughly covering 4 miles a day pushing twins would my activity level be considered active?. I

I exercise on top of this too but have never included these activities in setting my calories.

Any advice appreciated


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Increase your cals by 100 a week till the scale stops going down
  • rippedhippie
    rippedhippie Posts: 24 Member
    What is your age height and current weight?
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited February 2016
    Take your last weeks/months total days intake.
    And take your weight loss over the same time. ( every pound is 3500 calories)

    So example
    You ate 1200 daily for 60 days = 72000
    You lost over 60 days 4 pounds = 14000
    Means you ate 14000 calories under your maintaining level in 60 days time

    72000 + 14000 = 86000 Now divide this by 60 days = 1433.33 daily to maintain. This is always an estimate btw
    and these numbers i just made up ( i dont know yours, so took this as example)

    And this is WITHOUT exercise calories.

    Hope that helps you can do the math and from there you tweak a bit up or down. Till you find your maintaining level ( range)

    I increased my calorie intake in the last months every couple of weeks and hold steady after every 100 more to see what it did to my weight. So it is a bit of playing around.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Increase your cals by 100 a week till the scale stops going down

    This ^^

  • Auds2010
    Auds2010 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys, that makes perfect sense, btw I am 38, 5ft 6 and weigh 143lbs
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Increase your cals by 100 a week till the scale stops going down

    Ditto ... this is the way to find your maintenance calories ... a bit of increase every week until you no longer lose weight.

    Just remember, a heavy calorie day with lots of carbs will put you into a stop-losing weight mode for a few days, and even seem to push to weight scale up and you panic and drop into low calories again. ... so stay the course with eating the same amount every day as you did while losing, just a little more.