Future TTC and Gestational Diabetes.

Perhaps a niche topic...

Went off BC a month ago because we want to TTC.

I'm 172lbs 5'2" and want to get to at least 130 (ultimately).
I had my daughter six years ago and I weighed 130-135 before conceiving.
I gained a lot of weight (130 and ballooned to 192lbs: much of it was "water weight" as it fell off within 2 weeks of delivery).

I developed hypothyroidism after pregnancy. I also was on the verge of gestational diabetes. Clearly my hormones didn't like me.

Is there anything I can do NOW before getting pregnant to prevent the diabetes? I know losing weight will help, although my doctor didn't mention my weight at my appointment (184lbs last month). I really don't think I would be able to deal with it.


  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Hi I didn't have GD in my first pregnancy but I did in my second. It was managed through diet and drugs ( metaformin) and I had to test my blood x2 a day.
    From what my medical team told me it wasn't anything I personally could do to prevent it from happening, so don't stress.
    When you get pregnant they will check for it. In the meantime set up healthy eating habits that will give you the best chance to conceive.

    Btw I don't have diabetes now and was all clear after having my son who was a healthy 6lb at birth

    Good luck x
  • WestCoastJanice
    WestCoastJanice Posts: 16 Member
    Had GD with my first but not my second. Was around 130 and went to 165 with my first and was 140 and went to 170 with my second (two years later). First was a girl, second a boy. I'm 5'3" and 145 now - trying to get in good shape. In general, I would think about a low glycemic diet...staying away from the refined carbs, incorporating a lot of whole grains and never letting a carb travel without an accompanying protein. And aim to get moderate exercise each day (10,000) steps... Good luck TTC and if you do develop GD - keep your sugars in check and you and baby will be in good shape.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    What did your doc say about this?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    as far as i know, GD is totally different/ separate from 'regular' diabetes, and occurs for pretty mu h no reason sometimes, so other than making sure you are within normal sugar levels NON pregnant, im not sure theres anything you can do.
  • Speckle38
    Speckle38 Posts: 53 Member
    It's very important to remember that gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes, not diet, although it does put you at higher risk of developing Type II diabetes later on.

    I had GD during my second pregnancy, but not in the first or third. My only risk factor at the time was my age. I was testing my blood 4 times a day, but managed it with diet alone (I had other complications that meant exercise was very limited). Also stress has a huge impact on the same hormones - when my completely normal results came back during my third pregnancy, I was asked about my stress levels during the previous pregnancy, which were high. I know my father-in-law, who has Type II diabetes, really struggles to control his levels when he is stressed.
  • blancoms
    blancoms Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks to everyone's replies and assurance.
    lorrpb wrote: »
    What did your doc say about this?

    The thought didn't really cross my mind at my last appointment, I've just started thinking more recently about how I would like this pregnancy to be and what to be different from my first. I plan on asking him his opinion next time I see him - maybe for blood work or for my first prenatal.

    It seems like the biggest thing is to keep an eye on my weight (according to my bmi I'm obese! I never thought I would say that in a million years). Hopefully my new eating habits roll over as well and help keep my health on track during pregnancy.

    My labs done last year were all normal so I don't have any reason to worry about type 2 possibly influencing me.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Perhaps a niche topic...

    Went off BC a month ago because we want to TTC.

    I'm 172lbs 5'2" and want to get to at least 130 (ultimately).
    I had my daughter six years ago and I weighed 130-135 before conceiving.
    I gained a lot of weight (130 and ballooned to 192lbs: much of it was "water weight" as it fell off within 2 weeks of delivery).

    I developed hypothyroidism after pregnancy. I also was on the verge of gestational diabetes. Clearly my hormones didn't like me.

    Is there anything I can do NOW before getting pregnant to prevent the diabetes? I know losing weight will help, although my doctor didn't mention my weight at my appointment (184lbs last month). I really don't think I would be able to deal with it.

    First make sure your thyroid is under control before TTC or you risk miscarriage. When you do get pregnant, visit your endocrinologist ASAP, you will need tests and possibly meds adjustment every few weeks. Nothing scary, if you do keep in touch with your endocrinologist during your pregnancy, the hypothyroidism will nto affect things atg all.
    Ideally, get to a healthy weight before getting pregnant. So postpone TTC for a while. Get into a regular exercise routine now, before you get pregnant, as startng new physical activities during pregnancy is not easy and sometimes not even safe, so you will be able to remain active while pregnancy.
    Be prepared that even if you do everything right, there is an increased probability are you will develop gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnancies if you had it once. The goal in losing weight, exercising, avoigind carbs etc, is not to prevent it, but to make sure it is under control if it happens and that it does not cause complications. My dr had me on gd diet from the first trimester after the first time and I have heard from others this is standard practice by many drs - diet from the first trimester, exercise, gd tests more than once, starting early second trimester to get meds early if needed.