Us really big people - how do you use the treadmill???

I am 356lbs. I cant use the treadmill to save my life (literally, lol). When I get on it I end up looking more like i'm half way off the end of it. I have to hold on because I lose my balance otherwise - so one end of me is at the front and the other end half-way to the back. I look so crazy. Then, if I try to "fix" my position I end up stepping wrong (or something) and I cause the belt to stop completely. PLUS the treadmill kills my calves (sp?). Does anyone else have this problem or maybe have some suggestions for me?? I usually only go about 1.8-2.0 mph. I think this has something to do with my wider stance. Plus I walk on the outside of my feet really bad. Do you think the belt just isn't wide enough, maybe?


  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Can't you just walk? Around the block, down the road, around a track...something. I've always hated treadmills(too many America's Funniest Home Video's!) but I love going for a walk/jog down the road.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I'm only 230ish but for the outside of your feet, there are these machines you can step on. They tell you what insoles you need for your feet, and that may help with the pain of walking quite a bit. Sorry I couldn't help more, and best of luck.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I agree! Just get outside, then you can control the pace, the stride and you are less likely to injure yourself!
    Any exercise is better than sitting on the couch... proud of you for trying. And PS I used to be horrible at the treadmill. Now I can walk on one just fine but I am not the best runner on one, I shorten my stride too much!
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    Im around your size alos ! I got a wide track treadmill and i still run into the side of the bottom sometimes, If it stops you may have to go a little faster, I usually do 2.0-2.5 for a half hour twice a day. I do it barefoot (im not sure if thats suggested) but it works and i have no problem with my feet or calves burning.
  • tpot74
    tpot74 Posts: 80 Member
    Have you just tried walking outside on a trail at the park or around your neighborhood for starters. Maybe if you haven't, you can start there and then work up to the treadmill. Also have you tried the elliptical machine? I have one at home..hated it until this week. My husband bought it for my my birthday over 3 years ago (I wanted a treadmill). So I tried it here and there and could only go 2-3 mins joke. As of this week I conquered 15 mins!!! I am excited about it.

    I hope you find something that works :) Good luck.
  • Lizshouse88
    Can't you just walk? Around the block, down the road, around a track...something. I've always hated treadmills(too many America's Funniest Home Video's!) but I love going for a walk/jog down the road.

    I guess I could, but I have 2 kids and the gym has a daycare which makes the exercise part a LOT easier.... If I had them with me I wouldn't get far! They are one and four years old :)
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    unfortunetly, treadmills do have weight limits. as i found out when i was thinking about getting one, so from the sounds of it, you have a smaller one, and for now, it just may not work for you. i would suggest just walking outside for now, that way you can set your pace and not worry about miss-stepping and the belt stopping :) before you know it, you will have no problems with the treadmill.

    and, if for some reason you can't walk outside, or just don't want to, try looking on youtube for Leslie Sansone videos. they are walking in place videos, and i love them. great way to get a walking workout in without having to go outside or mess with a treadmill.
  • Lizshouse88
    Have you just tried walking outside on a trail at the park or around your neighborhood for starters. Maybe if you haven't, you can start there and then work up to the treadmill. Also have you tried the elliptical machine? I have one at home..hated it until this week. My husband bought it for my my birthday over 3 years ago (I wanted a treadmill). So I tried it here and there and could only go 2-3 mins joke. As of this week I conquered 15 mins!!! I am excited about it.

    I hope you find something that works :) Good luck.

    I have tried the elliptical, actually. I really like the way it moves. I have worked my way up to 5 minutes straight with no stops (up from about 1 minute to start with LOL) but it raises my heart rate really high. I counted it at about 210 something the other day. I'm afraid it's a little too much for me right now :( BUT I do like it :):)
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    I was in the same boat. Keep at it. It gets easier.
  • NeNe3244
    NeNe3244 Posts: 7 Member
    I think the issue you are having with your calves could be shin splints. My best friend is a little heavier than she should be and she gets shin splints very badly especially when she uses the treadmill. So now she walks with me at the local college's track & she doesn't have half as much problems with her shin splints. I would recommend walking outside. I personally think it's better for everyone because the treadmill kinda helps you cheat a little (the ground is moving under your feet so you move a wee bit faster than when you are outside). Perhaps you can get a walk buddy and commit to walking for a total of 90 mins per day- you can break your walking down into intervals 30 mins 3 times a day or whatever. As for the kids, I have a 4 year old & although he hates it, if I can't find a sitter for him I put him in a stroller and push him while I walk. Because you have two kids you may need a double stroller if you don't have a sitter. If they take naps, try timing your walk about 20 or so mins before you would have them take it and they should fall asleep in the stroller while you are walking! That way the kids nap, you exercise & get a little me time as well! Hope I helped a little
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    try a bike or an elliptical, try water arobics things are going to hurt when you start working out, pain is weekness leaving the body
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    My heart rate started out very high on the elliptical also, but it went down a lot after the first two weeks. Also, the calorie burn is prodigious. :smile:
  • haulinbuns
    haulinbuns Posts: 44 Member
    I would stick with it and do a rotation of machines. If your gym has a recumbant bike, elliptical, treadmill or whatever do a rotation of machines. Anything is better than nothing.

    I started with the elliptical and could only do 3-5 minutes at level 1. Now I can do up to 1 hour at level 7. It has taken a year to work my way up but I did it. It will all get easier with time and just sticking with it.

    When you do the treadmill switch between hanging on and letting go.
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    Why don't you try walk away the pounds from Leslie sansone? I really enjoy doing them. I would consider doing them because you can do them at your pace n go up. I recommend them.

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Forget the machines....get outside & walk. Start out small and add a little as you go. The weight will come off & you will be stronger : )
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    Can't you just walk? Around the block, down the road, around a track...something. I've always hated treadmills(too many America's Funniest Home Video's!) but I love going for a walk/jog down the road.

    I guess I could, but I have 2 kids and the gym has a daycare which makes the exercise part a LOT easier.... If I had them with me I wouldn't get far! They are one and four years old :)

    Put them in the stroller and take them to the mall or something. Don't try to start out too fast or walk too far at first. You burn more calories pushing a stroller, especially with two kids, than you do just walking by yourself. Or, take them to the park and let the older one play while you walk laps around the playground with the younger one in the stroller. You can easily incorporate your kids into your exercise routine where they won't get in the way or slow you down if you get a little creative.
  • mony956
    mony956 Posts: 5 Member
    Trying to workout while having to take care of the little ones is hard. I enjoy going to the gym because of the fun center as well. Try the stationary bicycles on intervals mode, it's a really good workout to start off I think, then you can move to the elliptical machine once you gain stamina. I don't use the treadmill either because I loose my balance but practice makes perfect! Don't give up!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Can't you just walk? Around the block, down the road, around a track...something. I've always hated treadmills(too many America's Funniest Home Video's!) but I love going for a walk/jog down the road.

    I guess I could, but I have 2 kids and the gym has a daycare which makes the exercise part a LOT easier.... If I had them with me I wouldn't get far! They are one and four years old :)

    My kids are about that age difference. I lost most of my weight walking and running outside. What I did was purchase a used double joggins stroller. You can usually find them on craigslist. Just take lots of snacks and water for the kids. It is good exercise and your kids will love it.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    If your gym has a pool, you might want to try water walking. It provides resistance and is suppose to increase your calorie burn. I recently started doing it and I like it better than the treadmill.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hey there i wish i had a tread mill!!!
    but i do it the old fashioned way....walk outside you see sooo many more things and meet some really nice people! you might think the whole world is stareing at you an all that but i promise you they are not!
    and when you do start making progress people do stop you in the street(people you have never seen before)and congrtulate you!!! so it's another boost there!
    good luck with the walking.