Rewarding Yourself.

alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Do you set mini goals and give yourself rewards? I am thinking of doing that to keep my butt going. What kind of stuff do you have listed?


  • I made this huge shopping list and told myself I would get things at certain weights but I am such a cheapstake, I ended up not buying the things! Haha, if you aren't on a limited budget, I would reccommend pampering yourself a bit at each goal, progressively getting bigger. Start with something small but will make you feel sexy like new lipstick and work up to a hot outfit for a night out of the bikini you now have the body for.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    I have some things on my list like new outfits, getting my hair done, massage, or jewelry. Never food.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have already reached my mini-goals and am currently working for my final goal. I will be rewarding myself with an entirely new wardrobe! I've already donated all of the clothes that no longer fit or weren't flattering on me. :)

    But before that, I broke out my entire journey to lose 33 pounds by setting dates for mini-goals. I rewarded myself every time I reached a 5 pound loss by buying a pair of shoes, getting a massage, buying a piece of jewelry, etc. It had to be something just for me and could not include food.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I too had mini goals every 5 lbs. Some goals were, mani/pedi, new book and magazines, and massage.
  • ChubbyCyclist
    ChubbyCyclist Posts: 12 Member
    I have been doing similar things. I have a list of rewards for every 2-5 pounds lost. List includes things that are usually around 20-25 dollars. As the weight loss increases, so do the rewards. I try to avoid things like food (for obvious reasons) and clothes - this can be expensive when you have a large amount of weight to lose...that reward won't be around for long!
    I have also started focusing on rewards for behavior instead of weight loss - if the bahaviors and habits are good, then the results will follow, right? Well...that's what I'm hoping!
    I like to focus on logging food, meeting my calorie and protein intake goals give or take 10% and being consistent with excercise. I also like to focus on stretch goals like extra workouts or a personal goal for weight lifting.
    Overall I have found that the weight loss related goals can be very motivating, but the behavioral ones have more long term success...for me, anyway.

    Best of luck...I'll look for your success stories!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    Good ideas :) Thanks for replying.
    Im gona make a list of rewards but they're gonna be cheap at first because I don't have a job right now. Best of luck to all of you on your weight loss!
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