New to website!

RichManitoba Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I posted the following in "Getting Started" then saw this thread. I'm ready to get serious!

"I'm coming off of hip surgery (6 weeks). I'm healing quickly and pain is NOT a factor. I lost weight before surgery but now I want to lose a bunch more...AND KEEP IT OFF!

I just bought a recumbent stationary bike and pulled a treadmill out of storage. Where do I start and how aggressive should I be? My surgeon said I'm OK to go and exercise should be low impact.

Happy to be part of this community, now let's go!"


  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    Just go for baby steps first. Go for 15 minutes at a slow pace, each equipment, and assess how you feel before moving up. Watch your calorie consumption and you're good.