Question for women, sorry guys you just can't help with this

Hello Ladies!
I noticed the last few days I have wanted chocolate and salt and carbs. I know my period is about to start and this is why I want these things. Also I only dropped 0.9 lbs this week and that's just not normal for me. ( retaining water I think) Anyway my question is what do you do to help you get through the week without eating everything in sight but calm those crazy cravings?
Thanks for all your help!


  • diembroadhurst
    I tend to do more exercise to be honest - so that I don't have to ignore all the cravings lol! But also it makes me feel better rather than wallowing in self pity.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    if you crave something eat it. In a controlled portion of course. I find if Im craving something and I try to avoid or substitute it it only makes the craving angry and I end up eating it without control.
    I think this is why they say men lose weight faster then women,we have a monthly setback!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh my..Im in the ending of that week! I've been wanting anything that isn't nailed down! During TOM week I have to be extra watchful of my foods and what Im eating. I would suggest cocoa almonds. They would help with the sweet craving, and the almonds are a good source of fats and filling! If you like greek yogurt ( I get the plain) you can add a variety of fresh fruit and not have to many calories in it.

    I try to keep myself busy and only eat when hungry, not b/c I am craving something!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    It's so funny though how when its the TOM how we all get cravings :0)
    Honestly, when I get cravings or I know that eating is out of the question I pour myself a room temperature 16oz glass of water and down it. Usually it fills me right up and gets my mind off of the food. I also have started telling myself that I won't starve to death by just waiting until my next meal. Sometimes I feel like ravaging the cupboards though, lol.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Well, for starters, don't weigh yourself the week before or of your period. That is instant depression right there. I GAIN 5 to 10 pounds that week :(

    As for the cravings, go for it. Try to reach for a healthier version of the snack. Dark chocolate is better fore you. Grab a handful of almonds for something salty and crunchy.

    Walk to the ice cream stand for chocolate ice cream. Then walk home.
  • Christinamosher
    Try dark chocolate - something rich and organic that you would get from a health food store and savor it slowly. (One square of Trader Joe's dark chocolate is only 45 calories). Also if you crave chocolate, you are probably craving iron and magnesuim (which chocolate has in abundance). I found tuna steak is a good substitute for that or you can even go for suppliments.

    As to the carbs, you can do it, but just in moderation. I always eat a little more carbs than I should, but I enjoy them, so again, it's all about moderation. If you drink two glasses of water right before a meal, you will always eat less...and carbs take up more room in the stomach, so you could try that.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    :laugh: Started last nite myself... that explains me wanting to eat a whole loaf of fresh italian bread!!!...LOL And ya know what i ate first thing this morning? A "Skinny Cow" chocolate & peanutbutter wafer candy bar!!! They are soooo good, and lower in cal's anyway.
  • howellco
    howellco Posts: 22

    A couple things that I have found that have helped me curb those craving..are to eat what my body is craving but just small portion.

    So some examples are..
    - Chocolate- when I am about to start my period or on my period, I usually allow myself two pieces of dark chocolate (per day, as mine only last about three days). Not only does it get rid of my craving but with it being dark choclate and so rich two pieces are plenty. I have had both Dove and Hershey bliss dark chocolate. They are both good the Hershey is like 5 less calories per piece (35 cals).
    - Salts and Cars- I also allow myself these but I will typically have a half serving of goldfish, since you can have 55 crackers for 150 calories (i think) so if you only have half you are still getting your salt and it appears that you are getting a lot with about 25 to 30 crackers in front of you. Also they offer whole grain, and they don't taste any different to me so it's a nice somewhat healthy snack!

    And for your 0.9lbs weight loss this week, don't get to hung up on that with your period coming your body is holding on to a LOT more water as well as just being swollen (I get that way when I am on my period). Give it a week and it will come down, I always lose a good amount the week after my period as your body rids of that water it has retained. Also to help with it try to drink half you weight in water every day! That always helps me to get cleanse of the extra sodium that I eat during my period.

    Hope this help! Keep up the good work, 0.9lbs weight loss is STILL in the right direction. Remember to reward yourself for taking action! Best of luck!
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    Thanks Ladies! You guys are Awesome!!! Thank you all for the suggestions too, I will give them a try.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Sniff sniff...I started over the weekend and yah, low carb-high protein just didn't sound as appealing. My workouts (if I could call them that!) were all over the place. *sigh* And I decided to punish myself this a.m and weigh myself. :frown: Funny, Friday I was happy as can be to weigh myself and I was grinning like a fool. Today, just made me want to throw the stupid scale!
  • caart4
    caart4 Posts: 4
    I believe that you should eat what you are craving, but eat it in controlled portions. If you don't stop the craving, it won't go away. We have bought things like Snack wells 100 calorie packs. There are several varieties of things that will cover the salt and the chocolate/ sweet tooth and they are already portioned for you. Then main goal is to watch your calories so as long as you can keep control you enjoy a little here and there. Nabisco also has 100 calorie packs that have cracker mixes. My favorite snack is stick pretzels. Low calories and no trans fats. the only bad in them is the sodium, but we are alotted like 2500 mg of that a day. It takes a little work, but you can find low calorie alternatives for almost every craving you might have. And don't for get that burning a calories in a long walk even can make up for a little extra intake. You are doing great, don't get discouraged!! We are all learning as we go!!