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Loss of strength and chest exercises

Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
edited February 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, regular question asker here with two more questions to ask:

1) I've recently suffered quite a sudden drop in strength, I've went from being able to press 22 kg dumbbells for eight reps to struggling to do likewise with 18 kg dumbbells. I guess my question is has this happened to anyone else before? (I'm going to guess yes and that I'm not some special case here) and how did you overcome it? I'm guessing a 'deload' is the answer, any advice on that gratefully received.

2) What are the best exercises for the chest? I've read in various places (legitimacy of those sources not guaranteed though) that incline bench press and chest tips are more effective. My gym only has an incline bench press on a smith machine though, and that just doesn't feel right. So I use dumbbells for incline pressing and chest dips but with dumbbells I'm never sure if it feels right or not. Like the chest isn't feeling it as much as the arms.


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Are you in a calorie deficit? If so how much?
    Have any of your other lifts dropped?
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Happens to me at times too. My absolute max bench press I've been able to hit is 225 x1. But then sometimes on chest day I struggle to get 210 up and fail. However on the other big power lifts like squats and deads once I hit a new PR I am then able to replicate that PR the next time almost always. I'm shooting off the cuff here but to me in my experience I just feel like the chest/upper body is more susceptible to performance fluctuation due to fatigue then the lower. If I'm having a day where the weights just feel super heavy sometimes I will just convert it to a higher rep lower weight day and focus on form. And then I almost always hit a new PR the next time I try. Just my .02
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @rybo Yeah, TDEE is about 2400, I'm 250 below that. I struggled with back squats last week too, went from 60 kg x 12 reps to struggling to lift that for 6 reps. Deadlifts and rows remain stable though. I know a deficit can lead to some drop in strength and performance, but it seems like such a sudden loss whereas previously my strength has been pretty consistent.

    @Soundwave79 I definitely have stronger legs than upper body, made significant strength gains and consistency in my legs until last week.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    And now didn't have the energy to walk the dog for more than a few minutes, this is probably related. Totally looking forward to squats and HIIT tomorrow.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Do you have an injury, like elbow tendonitis or a shoulder problem? Pain reduces strength to muscles.

    By the way, dips work shoulders & triceps a lot, and incline bench works more front deltoids than flat or decline.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    And now didn't have the energy to walk the dog for more than a few minutes, this is probably related. Totally looking forward to squats and HIIT tomorrow.

    You're a 32 year old male eating approximately 2150 calories per day doing strength training and HIIT. I don't know your height/weight and other activity but the above quote says a lot; I don't think you're eating enough. Re-visit your nutrition first and see how it goes. Drop in performance in the gym and low energy level suggests nutrition is an issue for you.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @Cherimoose I have some lower back discomfort but had that for years. Are either of incline dumbbell and incline bench press superior to the other?

    @Sam_I_Am77 Height is 165 cm, weight is 10:6 lbs. I don't do HIIT often, more steady state cardio. I tried HIIT on Friday but wasn't feeling it so changed to steady state.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    edited February 2016
    Stick with your big compound lifts like flat bench press and incline press, both bar and dumbbell. Keep in mind the flat press and the incline work a little bit different muscles. The incline the upper pec and the flat the larger pec. Your strength and endurance can be affected by diet and when you eat, etc. I don't think it has a big impact on the effect of the workout. Just take yourself to overload by lifting heavy for smaller number of reps.. I usually stay in the 4-6 range and when I hit 6 repeatedly I increase my weight.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @CasperNaegle I will try lower reps, not got much choice really if I can't lift past small numbers. I usually prefer that anyway as I find I can put a lot more focus into each rep when there are only six of them. Guess I need to adjust my plan somewhat. Maybe I need to scale back on cardio as well.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited February 2016
    Not much strength today either. I know the logic behind doing weight training during fat loss to maintain lean mass, but I don't think the people saying that give much consideration to people who find themselves too drained to lift anything anymore. Been doing this since 2012 and have just lost whatever strength gains I had previously made. Think I need to ditch the weights completely if I'm going to keep cutting, it's just making me ill now.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited February 2016
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    Not much strength today either. I know the logic behind doing weight training during fat loss to maintain lean mass, but I don't think the people saying that give much consideration to people who find themselves too drained to lift anything anymore. Been doing this since 2012 and have just lost whatever strength gains I had previously made. Think I need to ditch the weights completely if I'm going to keep cutting, it's just making me ill now.

    That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You can't accept a bit of strength loss so you're going to quit lifting and instead allow yourself to lose more muscle than necessary. Why not reduce your deficit or rearrange your eating (try eat more before you lift for example) or do a slight deload week and then get back at it?
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    I've lost strength, I feel ill/tired/dizzy/etc whenever I lift weights or even just when I'm taking the dog for a walk. I used to have lots of energy and now I barely have any. I've rearranged my diet so many times I've lost count. I've been cutting for so long and have very little muscle to begin with, giving up on it completely doesn't seem much of a loss. I'm just very tired, unwell and fed up of all of this for no results. I'm having to do this all on my own, I don't have anyone in the gym helping me out, I get no help from the doctors when I'm feeling ill, it's just entirely down to me and I cannot do this on my own anymore. I just want to lose weight and I will go about this the only way I know how when what I've previously been doing has worn me down and nobody is giving me any ideas that are working for me. I have not just turned my nose up at things that work, I have tried things, given them time, failed and moved on. If I get to a point where I do no exercise and eat less than 1000 calories a day, it will be because I have no energy left for exercise and cannot lose weight on anything above 1000 calories a day.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @crazyravr Problem with eating back exercise calories that I've burnt from cardio is that I have no accurate measurement so I'm not willing to risk eating more than I've burnt and ruining fat loss. I've fallen behind so much on this already, I am desperate to be as slim as I should be and I need to lose as much as possible as quickly as possible before I over eat again.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Your profile says you're already "slim" and are losing vanity pounds. Your posts hint at body dysmorphia. I would encourage you to get help, OP.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited February 2016
    @crazyravr I can't risk overeating anymore, if it hadn't been for numerous setbacks, I totally would. But I've gone backwards too many times and have so much to catch up on. I should be comfortably below 10 stone. Eating less is the only thing I can do until I'm at a weight I'm happier with. Thanks though.

    @jemhh Tried to get help, there is none available. Health/mental care budget cuts or something. I say vanity but I'm at the upper end of what is considered healthy bmi. I'm one bad week away from being overweight again, I look badly overweight if I eat just a little bit too much and even without that, not so great for someone who's supposed to be a healthy weight. Problem with being small is any slight weight gain instantly shows. Within seconds of eating just a little bit over, it shows.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I tried to look at your diary to see what you are eating. Are you tracking your macros with your calories? I'm curious what you're at macro wise? My diary is open and I'm in about a 20% deficit and lift 5 times a week. It's been a great program for me with great results. Maybe you have something else going on medically that is affecting you.

    As far as things showing seconds into eating it sounds like maybe you are having some other issues you should see someone about. My weight fluctuates every day.. you can't focus day to day but trend over time. Listen I have down days where I see my love handles and get frustrated I haven't gotten everything where I want it, but it's a journey and takes time. The leaner you get the slower you lose and transform too.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited February 2016
    @CasperNaegle I usually track macros but recently things have gotten a bit disorganised and have just been hitting calorie goals. I've been to see the doctors about things, even had a blood test. But they either can't see anything or aren't interested. Bit of both I think, I know I can't rely on them to help me in anyway. They specifically told me there was nothing wrong with me and to basically go away. Edit: That working out five days a week reminded me of the time I was following a five day a week plan from someone who told me I should be eating 1700 calories at most to get through it. Made me think.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @CasperNaegle By the way, I'm curious to see what your workout plan looks like please? I'm doing (trying) the intermediate one on this http://anthonymychal.com/2012/02/solutions-for-the-skinny-fat-ectomorph-part-iii-programming-and-training/ but swapping the chin up reps with this http://www.eattoperform.com/2014/10/21/7-reasons-why-youre-struggling-with-pull-ups-by-james-barnum/