Looking for mom friends!



  • nikkisha100
    nikkisha100 Posts: 10 Member
    Mom of 2 girls. Going back to work outside the home after about a month away. Not sure how to incorporate fitness in the new routine, but I'm gonna figure it out. I'll send a friend request.
  • awsb06
    awsb06 Posts: 9 Member
    Same boat! Mom of 3, mid-thirties trying to take the weight off. Any tips appreciated! Feel free to add me as a friend...
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! Full-time, commuting, working mom of 3, ages 5, 2, and 14 months. I need some new mom friends too! Please add me, would love to hear how you all balance the challenges of a great diet with exercise and children!

    Exactly me! Mine are 5, 3, and 15 months.
  • CourtLHM
    CourtLHM Posts: 181 Member
    darken6 wrote: »
    Here's my truth:
    I'm in my mid 30s; homeschooling mom of 7--8 mos to 13 yrs. I am 5'9" and currently weigh 176, starting from 189 postpartum (this time!) and heading for 150. I don't make time for dedicated exercise. I'm a nursing mom, clean house daily, and am active with my children, but I don't log those activities as exercise. I eat whatever I want. My diary is open to friends. You'll see days with a variety of veg and lean proteins and days with fast-food burgers and homemade pizza. And lots of days with huge cups of creamy, sugary coffee!!
    I am looking for friends who get the mom life, who like to encourage one another and be encouraged. If this is you, add me! :)

    Been making homemade pizza twice a week now. Fast easy meal everyone loves! Four large pizzas for a few bucks!? Olive for my 8yr old, so that's always hers. I get mom life. 3 kids, 15, 8, 3. SAHM. Finally able to add exercise back into my life as the little guy has been an armful!! Thank god for Paw Patrol! Mom friends would be awesome!!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Mom of two here (2 and 4). I mainly stay at home with the kids (have started one day a week back at work). Live on a farm so have some flexibility with my husbands schedule to help with the kids on those days.
    HW 200
    CW 125
    GW 120

    I am 5'2", both children came by c-section still have a flap there but it's getting smaller. I usually do 20min of circuit training/cardio a day (my kids join me...it was nearly impossible when they were younger but as they get older 20 min is not overly hard....most days....
  • dk6boys
    dk6boys Posts: 67 Member
    It's so great to see so many mom's on here! I'm a part time working mom, have 6 boys, ages 4 to 13. I have almost NO time to workout. I'm trying to lose my pregnancy weight, yes I still have it! I'm 5' tall, 135 lbs, lost 30 so far over the years, trying to lose 20 more by shakeology, lack of time to eat in the mornings, and overall healthier eating. I'm also wheat and sugar free.
  • gracenessence
    gracenessence Posts: 49 Member
    amysmartin wrote: »
    Hi! Full-time, commuting, working mom of 3, ages 5, 2, and 14 months. I need some new mom friends too! Please add me, would love to hear how you all balance the challenges of a great diet with exercise and children!

    Exactly me! Mine are 5, 3, and 15 months.

    @amysmartin my 2 yo will be 3 in April. Right there with ya!
  • dk6boys
    dk6boys Posts: 67 Member
    @nikkisha100 I just went back to work as well. It's such an adjustment! Especially adding in done fitness too!
  • darken6
    darken6 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm so happy to be able to add you all as friends here!! :)
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    33 year old mom of two here. They are six and two and I am nursing my toddler. I've lost over 50 lbs and have maintained that loss even after my last pregnancy. I started lifting and fell in love with it. After my second was born and had colick, I left my ten year career in IT to stay home with them.

    I'm finishing up my internship and will officially be a certified personal trainer next month. I'm passionate about fitness, but especially for women and mothers. I know what it's like to work full time, part time and stay at home. My first was a csection and that recovery is brutal!! It's so easy to think we don't have time or prioritize others over our own health. I love strategizing to find ways to overcome those excuses. By putting our health first we will directly and positively impact the lives of our children.

    Feel free to add me, but be forewarned that I do at times diary stalk. I'm a big proponent of properly fueling the body for movement, which requires much more than your typical crash dieting. In fact, I'm not into diets at all. Lol. I eat anywhere from 2200-2800 calories per day. Yum!
  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    32, working mom of an almost 2 year old... finally making ME time! Feel free to add! :)
  • jmay79
    jmay79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm hoping that you will add me as a friend too! I'm also a mom of a 14 month old baby boy who is the love of my life but keeps me on the run! And stress and being tired end up making want to eat junk food. I am 36 years old and I work full time outside the home. My long term goal is to lose 20 pounds, and my very short term goal is to focus on the first 5 pounds because I tend to get overwhelmed easily. I also use the Garmin Vivo Smart! Anyone can add me...the more support and motivation the better!
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    I'm 31 and have two boys, 2 and 5. I was down to 133 but hurt my knee a couple of weeks ago and had surgery (meniscus tear) a little over a week ago, so currently I'm maintaining (and just getting back to tracking today after a hiatus). Being on crutches with small children has been a challenge... I have one more surgery to go (ACL repair) and am looking forward to getting back in action. Ultimately my goal is 120ish.

    I did see comments earlier about weighing food, which is something I do, so FYI if that's not your thing ;) I really don't care if other people do it or not, though.
  • darken6
    darken6 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm adding y'all, too!
    Stalk my diary all you want. You will see what you see. I don't keep secrets, but I'm not trying to impress anyone, either. My diary is just the honest day-to-day of this mom of 7.
    I don't currently weigh my food. I don't feel strongly either way about it. I'm pretty good at eyeballing amounts (comes from growing up in the restaurant biz) and I've been successful losing weight that way. If I start to stall, I'll consider getting a scale.
    My point is this: I'm looking for mom friends who are encouraging and want to be encouraged. I'm not into mom-bashing, guilt-tripping, or reprimanding other moms. I don't have the time or inclination to deal with that mess!!
    I'm NOT looking only for moms who are just like me. What fun is there in that?? ;)
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    darken6 wrote: »
    I'm adding y'all, too!
    Stalk my diary all you want. You will see what you see. I don't keep secrets, but I'm not trying to impress anyone, either. My diary is just the honest day-to-day of this mom of 7.
    I don't currently weigh my food. I don't feel strongly either way about it. I'm pretty good at eyeballing amounts (comes from growing up in the restaurant biz) and I've been successful losing weight that way. If I start to stall, I'll consider getting a scale.
    My point is this: I'm looking for mom friends who are encouraging and want to be encouraged. I'm not into mom-bashing, guilt-tripping, or reprimanding other moms. I don't have the time or inclination to deal with that mess!!
    I'm NOT looking only for moms who are just like me. What fun is there in that?? ;)

    I agree with all of that! A better and more blunt way to phrase my diary stalking is this: I don't keep people that starve themselves on my friends list. I don't believe in it and it is a trigger for me as someone who went down that road as a teenager. If someone is eating 1200 calories a day, working out and complaining about lack of energy or feeling poorly then I would likely offer an opinion. I feel like people should know that before they add me.

    I don't weigh my food either. Never have, though I do think a food scale is a useful and fun tool. I guess I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing, too. I'd imagine being in the food business helped you for sure!!

    Moms that support other moms? Sign me up! We are all different and we should be. I've not met someone yet that I didn't learn something from if I tried. :)
  • darken6
    darken6 Posts: 56 Member
    Rubyayn wrote: »
    darken6 wrote: »
    I'm adding y'all, too!
    Stalk my diary all you want. You will see what you see. I don't keep secrets, but I'm not trying to impress anyone, either. My diary is just the honest day-to-day of this mom of 7.
    I don't currently weigh my food. I don't feel strongly either way about it. I'm pretty good at eyeballing amounts (comes from growing up in the restaurant biz) and I've been successful losing weight that way. If I start to stall, I'll consider getting a scale.
    My point is this: I'm looking for mom friends who are encouraging and want to be encouraged. I'm not into mom-bashing, guilt-tripping, or reprimanding other moms. I don't have the time or inclination to deal with that mess!!
    I'm NOT looking only for moms who are just like me. What fun is there in that?? ;)

    I agree with all of that! A better and more blunt way to phrase my diary stalking is this: I don't keep people that starve themselves on my friends list. I don't believe in it and it is a trigger for me as someone who went down that road as a teenager. If someone is eating 1200 calories a day, working out and complaining about lack of energy or feeling poorly then I would likely offer an opinion. I feel like people should know that before they add me.

    I don't weigh my food either. Never have, though I do think a food scale is a useful and fun tool. I guess I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing, too. I'd imagine being in the food business helped you for sure!!

    Moms that support other moms? Sign me up! We are all different and we should be. I've not met someone yet that I didn't learn something from if I tried. :)

    Word. Let's be friends! :wink:
    I'll keep you in mind for when I'm ready to get back into purposeful exercise. Likely after our homeschooling year is over. I have 6 doing school and it takes most of my days! Right now, nursing my 8-mo, practicing baseball with my two boys, practicing soccer with my 4 girls, and just generally keeping up with a large household are all the activity I have the time for!
  • aporter351
    aporter351 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I just became a stay at home to a one year old. It's a struggle to set aside workout time!
  • kaitlenforro
    kaitlenforro Posts: 2 Member
    How do you add someone?
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    Working mom to 2 here! Working on shedding 40 lbs this year. Added OP, but please feel free to add me too! I also use a fit bit and love doing daily/weekly challenges :)
  • Vanessalookingood
    Vanessalookingood Posts: 135 Member
    Hello I'm a mom of 2 with a goal of losing 123 lbs and finding my self this year. Feel free to add me!