less strict>>>>weight gain frustration!

:grumble: Ok....so I reached my goal weight and celebrated a little too much this weekend. I didn't go crazy with it- just ate about 200-300 more calories each day and now I've gained 2 lbs!!! I already walked 3 miles this a.m. and plan on getting back on track but wanted to know if there are any good suggestions out there on how to maintain. THANKS!!


  • Athenalyn
    Athenalyn Posts: 4 Member
    I just started, so I'm really no help! But congrats on the weight loss! Try not to over indulge and make sure that the extra calories that you do take in are burned off during excercise.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I switched to maintenance about three weeks ago. I noticed during the first week I gained about two pounds. The following week I lost 1.6 of those again. I think its just your body recalibrating to the increase in calories. Id say give it another week and if you don't see then weight come back down then considering going back into weight loss cals for another few weeks.
    But seriuosly give it time!~
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    Congrats on your success!!!! Were you at or below goal when you switched to maintenance and how long did you wait before you made the switch? I'm afraid to stay in maintenance because it's too hard to lose the pounds at this stage of the gain (at my age)!!! I'm going to try to lose a few more pounds to have as a buffer zone!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I was at my goal then waited two more days and switched to maintenance0 I'd say it couldt hurt to lose another pound or two to give yourself some wiggle room. The important thing about a "goal weight" though is that it really should be a "goal weight range".