Living in Iowa, looking for fit friends!

Recently moved to Iowa from the west coast, and looking for fit friends! I'm new here with this app, but I have loved using to keep track of my daily activities, diet, and weight! Feel free to add me and introduce yourself! Kind regards, Alivia


  • kdoherty05
    kdoherty05 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I do not live in Iowa, I live in KS. However, I have a group of ladies- Around 7000 that belong to IDWTBAT fitness support group on facebook and they have meet ups all the time in different cities. I have made 5 great friends from there. If you want to add me to facebook I can add you to it. You won't be sorry:)
  • mackalivia300
    mackalivia300 Posts: 3 Member
    That would be great! Thank you so much! Let me know how to find you and I'll add you :-]