looking for some friends :)

Hi there - I've done MFP before (successfully) before I got married 6 years ago. Marriage and 2 kids later, I'm 40 lbs heavier then I want to be. :neutral: BUT I turn 30 this year and I've decided this is the year for me. We are done having kids (as far as I know lol), and I'm ready to get in shape and stop using kids/pregnancy/nursing as my excuse to not get in shape! I've been working out more and more and it's becoming the thing I look forward to each day.

I'd like to have some more motivation here with like minded, similar goal friends. I also use a fitbit and love doing step challenges :)

A little about me:
Mom to 2 boys (1 and 3), I just weaned the 1 year old
Working full time
married to a great guy who also works crazy hours
I try to workout 6/7 days per week but am happy with 5 (weekends are tough since the husband works)
I've tried a TON of fad diets, and decided that good old fashion calorie counting and working out was the way to go, so that's what brought me back to MFP.

Add me! and let's help motivate each other!


  • zoe2434
    zoe2434 Posts: 69 Member
    Hey! Like you, I am looking for friends to help keep each other accountable! Anyone can add me, but please know that I like active friends who share their diaries. I think it's a great way to compare notes :smile:
  • ritualsilence83
    ritualsilence83 Posts: 26 Member
    You guys can add me. I don't have active friends.
  • Noobette
    Noobette Posts: 15 Member
    Weird ... I thought I'd replied ... anyway, I'm looking for some friends too so I'm sending you all friend requests because I need some motivation!