new and trying to tackle over 100 pounds, building support anyone?

Hi my name is Sorina and I'm a stay at home mom in Colorado Springs just starting this journey on a more serious side. Striving to lose well over 100 pounds and looking to reach out to people that are on the same journey either just starting or have been there a while. Would love to be able to chat with folks who wouldn't mind talking about the struggles they face and how they have overcome them. Any takers?


  • xickel
    xickel Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Sorina! I lost 85 pounds before joining MFP and have lost 7 since joining, and would like to lose another 40 - 50 pounds. I've lost and gained 100 pounds several times in my adult life and am making lifestyle changes so I don't regain this time. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    Long term goal of losing155 pounds and started Nov 2015. I have an intermediate goal of losing 60 pounds by my 60th birthday in May: 60 by 60 is my mantra! Am well on the way with 32 pounds gone :-) and it seems to be going well so far!
  • marinagraber
    marinagraber Posts: 49 Member
    I am 16 pounds down and hoping to lose around 150. I started on December 31 so this is still new to me but I would love to be a friend for support and motivation. I will send you a friend request. Welcome and good luck!
  • zgiarc
    zgiarc Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a great tool. I've been on here for just under 2 months and have lost 27 pounds so far. I still have 80 or so pounds to go to get in my goal range. Feel free to add me.
  • MarziDeThrall
    MarziDeThrall Posts: 98 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom. I have about 80 lbs. to lose. Add me. We can do this. :)
  • SorinaWilliams
    SorinaWilliams Posts: 3 Member
    Oh this is awesome!! I really don't have anyone in my immediate circle who understands how difficult this journey has been for me. I'm excited so many people are willing! Yes, how do I add friends on here? When I click a picture it just says send message. Yesterday I wasn't on here but to log in for the first time but today I've already logged in 4 different times so that is a good sign!
  • MarziDeThrall
    MarziDeThrall Posts: 98 Member
    If you're on a computer, click the picture. Then click on the blue username and that should take you to the profile where there will be a green ADD FRIEND button.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    I started off with 130 to lose, have 85 to go. Started back in September. When I started I could walk around the block, and now I walk over 3 miles regularly and am tossing in short runs. It is possible!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I've loss 70lbs, but in the past year but back almost 20lbs so I'm back. Loss 7lbs in 5 weeks and ready to finish what I started. My ultimate goal is to lose 30 more pounds. I love MFP, it works it you put in the work! Welcome :)
  • archiepuss
    archiepuss Posts: 2 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    I've loss 70lbs, but in the past year but back almost 20lbs so I'm back. Loss 7lbs in 5 weeks and ready to finish what I started. My ultimate goal is to lose 30 more pounds. I love MFP, it works it you put in the work! Welcome :)

    Couldn't agree more
  • vallen83
    vallen83 Posts: 2 Member
    My sister lost 100 pounds in just over 1 year with a 1200 calorie diet and walking 1 hour a day ( about 5 km ) that's just over 3 miles 5 days a week. You an do this too. Eat real food, not food from a box or container. This site has so many cheap and easy recipes. You can do this my friend. Just walk. In a year or so consider moving on to weights and really rev up your metabolism. You can do this. Remember you're powerful and in control.
  • kaylaprosser739
    kaylaprosser739 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is my first day of dieting and exercising. My goal is to loose 100lbs!!! I've started multiple times but was never serious about weight loss!!! Would love to chat with you and be apart of your journey.
  • SorinaWilliams
    SorinaWilliams Posts: 3 Member
    That is so awesome welcome all!! I totally understand Kayla. I have been at war with myself for years now with little success, I'm hoping this is it. Today is my 3rd day on the journey and I already find myself watching what i'm eating, I don't have the read the label thing what so ever, but I find myself when faced with a choice taking the healthier one and thinking about the portion. I've also been honest when inputting my else right?! In the last two days I've noticed my sodium levels are extremely high so I guess that will be the first goal I set for myself. Thanks for the answers to the questions I have thus far posted. Someone mentioned easy recipes on here to find.....what have been some of your favorites? I'm a crockpot kind of gal but if it takes 30 minutes or less on stovetop I'm down to try!
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    I have successfully lost over 30lbs within a few months on here, which I have never done before, so I know you can do this, too! I have many more pounds to go but I am motivated and always looking for awesome people to get to know on here. I love to cook so I totally get the food thing! Add me and I am sure we will have a great weight loss journey!!!

    Anyone else can feel free to add me as well!!! Let's do this!
  • doc_scott
    doc_scott Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome Kayla! You've already achieved a success by deciding to take on your challenge of a better lifestyle. MFP is also going to help you do that if you're diligent in using it's full potential. I've lost a total of 175 lbs., got married and 90 lbs. have crept back on in the last two years so here I am again. I'm going to do it again and you can do it too!
  • daniellejunk
    daniellejunk Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sorina, I am in the same boat needing to lose over 100 pounds. I work out of my home, but have 3 kiddos, which can make things interesting! Please feel free to add me and we can be support buddies - my husband is not supportive AT ALL.
  • MsDeeHawk12
    MsDeeHawk12 Posts: 52 Member
    Not new to MFP, but I've been gone for almost two years.

    The last time I was on, I was so motivated and the support I gained here was priceless. I lost 45 pounds and felt so healthy and strong.

    Unfortunately, life got in the way and it all fell apart. But, I'm angry and on a mission. Time to take back control of my life. My main goals are to lose 80 pounds total and to complete a RUN DISNEY in 2017.

    I will be on daily and am looking for buddies to help keep me motivated. I promise to do the same for you!

    Send me a friend request if you are interested.
  • jrwilliams124
    jrwilliams124 Posts: 38 Member
    I have a lot of weight to lose approx. 193 pounds. I just lost my father and my marriage within three weeks of each other and could really use friends for help and support. Please add me.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    I am a stay at home mom. I also home school my boys. I am currently 258 lbs and goal end weight is 130 lbs. Since the birth of my 2nd son 10 years ago...I just haven't seemed to lose any weight. I've gone in spurts over the years to lose weight. Now I am a month into restarting everything. I recently was diagnosed as prediabetic. This time I am being more strict and aggressive. I am using this site, fitbit site, fitbit watch and scale, body measurements, and using a food scale. I am currently in a diabetes prevention program right now too.

    For awhile I thought that maybe I had some physical issue keeping me from losing weight. We recently moved to a new place, and finally I got a doctor who did all kinds of blood work tests, thyroid, metabolic panel, etc. And I learned...outside of being prediabetic there is nothing else wrong. So, I have to motivate myself to get moving and really try at my best this time.

    I am game for anyone who would like to add me to their friends. Other than my husband (who can eat anything and never gain weight, run 3 miles non-stop, and never struggled with weight) I have only myself for support and motivation.