Extended travel: tips for staying on track?

I'm going to be away from home, in a couple of U.S. cities, for almost a month, and I need to make sure I don't fall off the MFP wagon. For about ten days I'll be in hotels/conference center-type places; the rest of the time I'll be staying with family and friends. For the biggest chunk of time, I'll be in my all-time favorite city and former home, which has lots of restaurants that I love (plus delicious ice cream made at the university's dairy -- uh-oh).

I'm excited about hitting the road but also worried about managing without my simple (and very boring) home cooking, like my daily bowl of oatmeal with strawberries, my steamed broccoli with a tiny smidgen of butter, etc. A major benefit of the hotels is that I can use the fitness rooms, but I know I'll be eating some hotel meals, especially breakfast. And although I can make my boring food at my friends' houses, I know I'll be eating out a fair amount.

I'm hoping people here will have suggestions for staying on the MFP track while away from home for a long time. I know I'll need a water bottle. I'm thinking I should ban bread. I don't really eat nutrition bar-type things; should I plan to have those on hand? Should I bring a measuring cup and spoon with me? Should I avoid restaurant meals likely to use lots of butter? Other ideas? Any and all advice welcome! Thanks in advance.


  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    When you're going out to a restaurant, see if they have their menu online. As best as possible, try and figure out what you're eating before you go! Also, check out one of my new favorite websites... makes dieting a lot less boring:

  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I went to Florida for a week in May and faced a similar issue. I actually planned days where I would be allowed to eat unhealthier (but DELICIOUS) food. For example, before I went down, I knew I would want to eat key lime pie, fried whitefish, pizza, ice cream, fudge and taffy and I prepared myself for it. I actually ended up only getting pizza out of all of those things (though I did have 2 pieces of taffy but i ignored that), and nothing else. What I ended up doing was going to the local grocery store, almost on a daily basis, and getting my food from there, so I was basically eating what I normally would.

    I did have half a stuffed crust pizza and boy was it good. I just planned it so I ate mostly fruit for the bulk of the day along with some turkey jerky and nuts, so that I would have a lot of calories left over at the end of the day for the pizza. I left myself 1500cals for that pizza and it was SO worth it. Plus, I still got my nighttime snack, though I sacrificed peanut butter, but oh well.

    I'd say if you can plan the foods you want to eat that you know aren't so great for you into your day without going over your limit, you'll be fine! if you can't, oh well, you're on vacation! just go for a walk or something haha
  • kalibabe1
    kalibabe1 Posts: 2
    Going on vacations can always be tricky, especially when you know there are some great restaurants. "Treat" yourself to some of your old time favorites in moderation. Make your "tried and true" weight loss food when you can and continue to exercise as much as possible. One thing I have been learning during my weight loss journey is even if you go off your MFP plan, don't beat yourself up about it. Every day is a new day and you can start fresh again.

    I just came back from visiting my hometown and I allowed myself to have some of my favorites that I would normally not eat at my "safe" home. I conitnued to exercise (even though it was a different kind of exercise) and I still lost 2.4 pounds that week. Sometimes the shock of the different food and exercise can wake your body up and you'd be surprised what may happen.

    Just remember to eat in moderation, try some new exercises or activities with exercise and most importantly to enjoy your vacation and show off what you have already lost! Be proud of your accomplishments knowing that when vacation is over, you will get back to the hard work again.
  • shopgirl192
    shopgirl192 Posts: 102
    I'm on vacation right now in my old hometown and I've done a pretty decent job of eating well... Sure, I had an ice cream cone here and pizza there, but I made sure it was lower-fat yogurt as well as a thin crust pizza with veggies instead of pepperoni.

    I'm trying to plan out my meals and to assist my parents in making dinner because I'm so OCD about what I eat! Just try your best and like the other post said, go for a walk! :)

    Enjoy your vacation!

    PS - Why can I give advice about just relaxing when on vacation and not to stress out too much when I myself am constantly worried about the food I'm putting into my body! Ugh!
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    I just got back from a 7 day cruise and did alright by trying to eat "clean, whole" foods and staying very very active. I also realized how very good the food was and that it was just as good having a smaller amount. There was food everywhere all the time!!!! I did over indulge, but the next day would back off and walk walk walk. I had lost an extra 5 in anticipation of gaining on this trip but it worked out pretty well. Now that I'm back home, I'm on very low calorie and will watch the scale very closely. Best of Luck!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    When I travel I do everything I can to stop at a grocery store near my first hotel and buy a few things to keep in the room with me. Usually that includes a bag of apples, a package of light string cheese and oatmeal (if I didn't already bring that from home) that I can make in the hotel lobby (on occasion this also requires that you buy yourself a cheap microwavable bowl and some plasticware).

    I'm sure that your friends wouldn't mind taking you to the store to buy some of the same supplies for stocking up when you visit with them, if they really like you they might even be willing to pick up a few things at the grocery before you arrive, just ask!

    Do as much walking as you can and check in with MFP at least once daily, even if you can't log your food it will serve as a reminder of your goals. You might also want to carry around a little notepad or piece of paper to track what you eat "the old fashioned way". Even if you don't have the nutrition data to look at you can see how much you've had and use it as an anchor of sorts so that you are not out of the tracking habit when you return home.
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    I travel all the time and my best advice for you would be as follows;

    If you are at conferences or catching up with friends then the time that you have the most control over is in the morning - as you are less likely to be catching up with others at this time.

    Make sure you use this time wisely.

    In hotels - the ubiquitous hotel breakfast buffet is a real danger. Its too tempting and alot of the food is unhealthy.
    My advice is to order yourself a healthy breakfast everyday IN YOUR ROOM.
    Most hotels should have museli with yogurt. Fresh juice. etc. Some may even have oatmeal.

    If you really want to take control - take along instant oatmeal with you to the hotels - as this can be prepared using the boiled water from the electric jug in every hotel room. It may be easier to change the fresh strawberries for dried fruit and nuts. Just use pre-prepared ziplock bags with daily portions. Yummy. Simple. Fast.

    When staying at a friends house - again take your oatmeal and fruit along with you.

    With mornings being in your control - make sure you are walking or exercising every morning to burn off the extra calories you may have added at dinner the night before or plan to eat that day.

    Eat great food - just dont eat so much of it !
    If you have the MFP iPhone App - before you order something - check the calories in the dish and then eat the amount that you have allowed yourself.
    Dont be shy to leave food on your plate - it is better there than on your belly !!!

    Best of luck - let us know how it goes !!
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 214 Member
    These are all fantastic suggestions; thanks, everybody! I'll keep my fingers crossed and my (yet to be acquired) water bottle filled.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I travel a lot for business and I try to eat at least one thing I really want each day. I also supplement by as much walking and of course the hotel fitness centers which can be a mixed bag. I am usually somewhere that I don't know well though, so walking is huge.