Saying hello and looking for others in my situation

Hi, my name is Martha and I joined MFP because my daughter said it was a great place to go to help and support a weight loss program. I have battled weight all my life but found a new way to live back in '97. I started going to the gym everyday and watching my food and lost an amazing 80 pounds in one year. I continued and the loss eventually slowed down, but I never gave up. Five years ago I started having some pain in my right knee. It has now been diagnosed as severe osteo arthritis and I have a great deal of trouble even standing for longer than 5 minutes because of the pain. While some of this is due to weight, I'm afraid it is also genetic.

Bottom line, I want and need to get this stupid weight off, but I am severely limited in what I can do with exercise since my right leg is basically out of commission (there is also arthritis in my left leg and it is developing in my hips). Anyone else out there who needs to modify their workouts because of a disability?


  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    i'm not in your situation, but i think doing mostly water exercises might be helpful. i also have knee pain, for a differet reason, but i've found accupuncture to be a good way to manage pain while working out. it might be worth a try, most insurances will cover this treatment option.

    God bless with your health, i'm sure you'll find a way to manage your pain AND exercise.
  • mommaG_Grandmatobe

    Welcome to my world. I have had back problems for years as well as arthritis in my lower back and hips. I had back surgery on March 18th and have been trying to lose weight without exercise...I do go to physiotherapy twice a week and I tend to walk a few times a week, though the pain sometimes is too much to even walk a few blocks. This is not an easy process, I sit back and read everybody’s success and feel envious. I wish I could be more helpful, but I also could use some advice.
  • Vecch09
    Vecch09 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Martha! I am new to MFP as well. I just read your post and have had a similar experience. I was recently diagnosed with plantars fasciitis, severly in my left foot and starting in my right. I was at a stand still for quite some time. Lots of icing and the purchase of orthodics has some what helped. I got very discouraged because I felt like I couldn't do anything since you have to have your feet to do everything. During my down time I did some searching and found that aquatic exercises can be very helpful to those in pain. It is something you could consider, if you haven't already. I've also looked on the internet for different exercises that will help me ease my pain to better my chances of a good work-out. The best thing that has helped though is this site. I love that I can log my food and keep track of my calories. I always overeat and this has helped me maintain and REALLY consider everything I am putting in my mouth. Even without exercise as much as I would like, I am still losing weight!

    I hope some of this helps, but most of all I hope you are able to find something that works for you!!
    Good Luck!
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    I have herniated disks in my back and also foot problems. I use the elliptical because the impact of the workout is not as strong as it would be on a treadmill or something different. There are days that I can't work out because I am in that much pain, but I recognize that tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will be better. It is difficult trying to lose weight when you have to work aroung an injury but it can happen. :)
  • MrsNos
    MrsNos Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! How wonderful to hear from all of you so quickly! Thanks for the advice. I checked, but there is nothing nearby in regards to aquatic exercise. However, I am lucky to be in the UK where healthcare is reliable and universal. I am working with a dietitian and she suggested resistance bands and hand weights, which I have now purchased. The food journal is going to be very helpful. We have just moved, so are eating a bit off plan right now, but will be eating vegetable-focused food once we are settled in. It is what we enjoy.

    Thanks again for answering so quickly and best to all of you!