Coming clean? Hard to find support and rationalize my eating relationship.

Hi guys, i know that this is meant for counselling purposes, but i recently have been in constant denial of my eating disorder. i lost a lot of weight, as i used to be quite large. i always count my calories, and have not been so severely worried as i am right now about what i eat. i have a trip in two weeks, and i just today binged on 6 shortbread cookies, 1 other cookie and 5 mini rice cakes. I'm still under my calorie goal, and I'm freaking out because i don't want the sugars and fats to turn into fat. i was happy a few days ago, as i got a bikini for the trip and clothes start looking good on me now, and now they prob won't fit because i binged! I'm just so pressured to not eat "bad" foods, and this led to an obsession. i constantly check to see if fat is gaining on my body. i feel like crap i don't want to go on this trip anymore, as i have a mentality of gaining 10 pounds and looking fat again. i know this is horrible thinking, but the purpose of this post is to ask if this binge will make be gain weight? i told my mom this issue and she's like you're not going to gain weight. i don't know how I'm going to enjoy my vacation. my moms making chicken soup for dinner and I'm worried it will be too many calories so i might resort to a salad. ill work out later too.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    One pound of body fat equals about 3500 calories. How much have you eaten over maintanance?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You are right this is meant for counselling purposes, and you need it right now.

    Since you know this, why did you post this in a community internet public forum? Get some help.. talk to your mother actually about this problem, you asked her the wrong questions.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit sugar and fat do not magically become fat. They are used for energy. That was the whole point of things like the researcher who went on a twinkie diet. You are worrying needlessly if you are within your calorie goals. There are no such things as "bad" foods in the absolute sense. Stink to your calorie goals. With that, if probably would be good to talk to someone about your thought patterns which a less than helpful for you.
  • Racheldasilva174
    Racheldasilva174 Posts: 87 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    You are right this is meant for counselling purposes, and you need it right now.

    Since you know this, why did you post this in a community internet public forum? Get some help.. talk to your mother actually about this problem, you asked her the wrong questions.

    Because this forum may provide answers for weight loss and food nutrition and was wondering if weight was to be gained from my episode. I'm not seeking counselling here, but just to be informed of what would happen to my body
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    There's a lot going on here and you're not going to get resolution on these forums.

    I would just say to be calm, do not let this cause you to spiral out of control. You had some cookies. Logically you didn't want them but you had them anyway. They're not going to magically just appear as fat on your body. If you have to have some smaller portions later on so you stay within your calorie goal then that's up you. You can also choose to eat something less calorie dense so you are not just sitting around hungry and miserable. I definitely don't think you should let this ruin your trip. Your decision to lose weight is morphing from something you were doing to feel better into something that is making you feel worse. You already know your relationship/mentality with food is unhealthy and I don't have the background or education to help you with that other than to say that I hope you find some help for it.
  • Racheldasilva174
    Racheldasilva174 Posts: 87 Member
    One pound of body fat equals about 3500 calories. How much have you eaten over maintanance?

    I believe I'm under 1200 so far

  • Racheldasilva174
    Racheldasilva174 Posts: 87 Member
    UG77 wrote: »
    There's a lot going on here and you're not going to get resolution on these forums.

    I would just say to be calm, do not let this cause you to spiral out of control. You had some cookies. Logically you didn't want them but you had them anyway. They're not going to magically just appear as fat on your body. If you have to have some smaller portions later on so you stay within your calorie goal then that's up you. You can also choose to eat something less calorie dense so you are not just sitting around hungry and miserable. I definitely don't think you should let this ruin your trip. Your decision to lose weight is morphing from something you were doing to feel better into something that is making you feel worse. You already know your relationship/mentality with food is unhealthy and I don't have the background or education to help you with that other than to say that I hope you find some help for it.

    I know, i understand that people on here are not affiliated with any experience on counselling matters such as mine, but i was just wondering about the nutritional aspect of the cookies i ate. Thank you for the feedback though, I will take the advice and try to get a better mentality.
  • Racheldasilva174
    Racheldasilva174 Posts: 87 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit sugar and fat do not magically become fat. They are used for energy. That was the whole point of things like the researcher who went on a twinkie diet. You are worrying needlessly if you are within your calorie goals. There are no such things as "bad" foods in the absolute sense. Stink to your calorie goals. With that, if probably would be good to talk to someone about your thought patterns which a less than helpful for you.

    I just read that refined sugars and carbs turn into belly fat, and i thought regardless of caloric intake it will turn into fat.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit sugar and fat do not magically become fat. They are used for energy. That was the whole point of things like the researcher who went on a twinkie diet. You are worrying needlessly if you are within your calorie goals. There are no such things as "bad" foods in the absolute sense. Stink to your calorie goals. With that, if probably would be good to talk to someone about your thought patterns which a less than helpful for you.

    I just read that refined sugars and carbs turn into belly fat, and i thought regardless of caloric intake it will turn into fat.

  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit sugar and fat do not magically become fat. They are used for energy. That was the whole point of things like the researcher who went on a twinkie diet. You are worrying needlessly if you are within your calorie goals. There are no such things as "bad" foods in the absolute sense. Stink to your calorie goals. With that, if probably would be good to talk to someone about your thought patterns which a less than helpful for you.

    I just read that refined sugars and carbs turn into belly fat, and i thought regardless of caloric intake it will turn into fat.

    Please don't believe this. There is so much crap out there demonizing types of foods out there. Just focus on where you come in on calories.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit sugar and fat do not magically become fat. They are used for energy. That was the whole point of things like the researcher who went on a twinkie diet. You are worrying needlessly if you are within your calorie goals. There are no such things as "bad" foods in the absolute sense. Stink to your calorie goals. With that, if probably would be good to talk to someone about your thought patterns which a less than helpful for you.

    I just read that refined sugars and carbs turn into belly fat, and i thought regardless of caloric intake it will turn into fat.

    No, that does not happen. A calorie is a unit of energy, your body uses a certain amount of energy every day to keep itself alive and to do the things you do in a day. If you consume more energy than you need, then it gets stored as fat, whether it is from veggies, meat, or cookies. If you eat less than your body needs it makes up the difference from stored energy in your body, that is, your fat stores. If you eat far less than what you need in terms of energy, your body will start using other stored energy like muscle tissue. If you are within your calorie goal for weight loss, everything you eat will be used to meet your daily energy needs, not be stored as fat. The remainder of those energy needs will come from your fat stores.

    In short: Meet your calorie goals, eat mainly nutritious food, and don't sweat things like cookies as long as you fit them into your calorie goal.
  • badcompany_78
    badcompany_78 Posts: 8 Member
    dont worry about your binge.. nothing will happen if you just continue your regular food and exercise schedule. The stress can caus eyou to gain because thats wat stress hormones do.. so relax and enjoy your vacation and that new bikini!
  • karlis87
    karlis87 Posts: 111 Member
    Like everyone said, no. Cookies do not just become fat. Eat healthy and under calories tomorrow and you'll feel better but you won't get any skinnier than today when you eat cookies and are under your calorie goals.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I make it a point to eat a couple of things that are really sugary/carby each day because I have trouble hitting my carb goals with my higher protein diet. I've somehow managed to lose 70lbs (80 before I got injured working out, and went to crap on my diet). There are countless others here who eat all that kind of stuff each day as well all of whom have similar stories.

    Refined sugars turning into fat is nothing more than a scare tactic used largely by people trying to sell you something.
  • lifeofagymbunny
    lifeofagymbunny Posts: 8 Member
    Please get real education on nutrition! Sugars aren't going to automatically turn into fat on your body.