a re-introduction of sorts

skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
So I've been a member of MFP for awhile now. I never actually posted an "introduction" topic when I first started so in a way this is my 1st intro, but in another way this is a re-introduction.
I have had a HORRIBLE few months and have gained back around 20lbs of the 40 I lost over 6 months late last year/early this year. Tonight I have kinda had a "epiphany" and realized that I really need to get back on track. I DON'T want to be like this the rest of my life!
(I blogged about it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/fiammafiore/view/late-night-thoughts-115871)

So anyways, here I am!
I'm just looking for supportive members that can help keep my on track. I kept changing my goals last time but this time around I am looking for a total of 100lbs lost, of which i have already lost 20. I don't have a time frame but I am going to try my darndest for 8-10lbs a month. Kind of a big goal, but I do have a lot to lose. If I can be under 200 by the end of the year I would be soooo happy!

Anyways, I loved MFP before and it helped me so much in the 40lbs I did lose. I am going to be strong and I know MFP will be a great tool for me again!

p.s. If you were my friend before, I'm sorry I had a "bad" moment awhile ago where I thought it was better off using this site alone and went and deleted almost all of my "friends". I realized tonight that the support from the community on here is one of the things that was keeping me on track so I really wish I hadn't done that. oops... if you'll forgive me I'd love to be friends again!


  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    geeze a few hours and i'm already on the 3rd page, lol!
    p.s. I am looking for friends, new and veterans of MFP. I'm hoping to join some groups too, but you guys help me so don't be shy!
  • katie041085
    katie041085 Posts: 26 Member
    welcome back... its that step that is the most important x

    feel free to add me if you would like x :happy: