Does any one else get in a rut? Breakfast & lunch?

I find I stick with the same meals for breakfast and lunch... Could this hinder my weight loss??


  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Only if they don't fit your calorie goals or nutritional needs, or the boredom you feel causes you to seek other foods in addition to your planned meals, and that causes you to stray out of your calorie or nutritional goals.
  • tedwards72
    tedwards72 Posts: 8 Member
    It's fitting in my calorie & nutrition goals.. I just wondered if it could cause a negative effect... I get Leary some times to try different meals .. When I know what my usual fits into my calorie goals. Ty
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating the same thing over and over, you're body neither knows nor cares. If you're happy with what you're eating and it fits your goals, then have at it.
  • firephoenix8
    firephoenix8 Posts: 102 Member
    It won't affect your body, but it could affect your mind. I have lunch every day with a co-worker who is on a really restrictive diet where she eats exactly the same thing every single day, and has for about six months. She looks great, but she experiences different temptations than I do. Today she was on her phone and she says something about an ad for Olive Garden making her really want that. My reaction was that Olive Garden sounded greasy and cheap and not with the time to drive out there (typical big city dweller, I don't want to go anywhere that requires the highway) much less the money or calories. She's eating the same thing every day for six months, while I'm trying a new recipe every week or two and only repeating the stuff I really liked.

    So if you want to try something else, do it! Nothing keeps you on the straight and narrow like being happy. :) If you don't, don't knock a good thing. I eat yogurt for breakfast a couple of days every week because I'm not always conscious and ready to think when it's time for breakfast and it's easy.
  • Jack_NYC
    Jack_NYC Posts: 64 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating the same thing over and over, you're body neither knows nor cares. If you're happy with what you're eating and it fits your goals, then have at it.

    I agree. Less to think about.
  • ronda112
    ronda112 Posts: 27 Member
    I have eaten the exact same salad for lunch every day since September. I love it and do not get tired of it. It is nutritious, yummy, and within my calorie and carb goals for a lunch meal. I may one day just never want to see it again, but for now I plan to eat it again tomorrow. :)