Moving foward

So, yesterday I did my first hot yoga class...not Birkam, but hot. The room is basically not as hot as a Birkam class would be. But they are still 88-95 degrees.

I didn't know how this was going to work, but I decided to be open to it, so I just did it! And I'm so glad that I did. It helped to open me up to a new level of awareness about ME! I let go of my fears and I just went along with the class. I didn't care who else was in the room and I didn't focus on "are the looking at me?" I was just a part of a larger whole doing that class.

I also did some things that I NEVER thought I could do. I did the "crow" pose and was able to get one foot off the ground, it was only for a moment, but hey it's a start. I was also able to "flip my dog", which sounds funny, but it was cool.

When I weighted over 340 pounds I was so down on myself thinking that I would never be able to live a full at healthy life, but TODAY I am!!! And I'm so grateful for that.

You know when I first started on my weight loss journey I had a lot of fears. Fears of what others thought about me - how I looked, who I was. And fears of what I "thought" I couldn't do. But as I continue working on myself from the inside out - I'm letting go of old, cruddy stuff that was holding me back. I had to let go of those "old ideas" about myself. As I continue to cleanse my soul and search for happiness within, instead of external, my life continues to change. And through that I am becoming more connected to my inner most self.

If you have old ideas about yourself let them go. This was passed onto me and I will pass it on to you. Remember - there is nothing wrong. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Love yourself for who you are right now, not 50 or 100 pounds from now. It is so much better when you do things for you instead of for others. YOU are the love you seek! And the last thing is..."To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance." ~ Oscar Wilde


  • Cyd46
    Cyd46 Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats on your success!!! Very inspiring!!

    I could relate to a lot of what you said!! Again CONGRATS! You look amazing!!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks so much! It's pretty cool! :)