Eating Right My Foot!

So i've been "eating right" for almost 90 days. I have never really eaten much meat (never red) so I eat a couple TBS of peanut butter or have a protein smoothie (just one scoopful). I don't drink...alcohol or soda. I drink so much water I usually feel like I'm going to float. I have an occasional tea if I go out to eat. I eat a LOT of fiber because as a woman I usually have "trouble" in that area so prunes are my friend and anything with higher fiber. I've lost about 30lbs. Great. I should be feeling great. For the past several days the joint at the bottom of my big toe has hurt to a point of being unbearable, heck, even a blanket is too much. My husband has always had trouble with gout...guess what?! Just a little higher protein in my diet has caused friggen gout! WTHeck?! Seriously? I'm almost a vegetarian as it is...I'm doing well to get a little protein, but apparently its too much for me. I'm a baby...I can't handle my toe & ankle hurting like its been crushed.


SERIOUSLY gout though?!


  • stephiehampshire
    Could you be getting alot of protein from cheese and dairy? sorry to hear you have gout, Ive never heard of it but sounds painful :( x
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    Yep yep my husband has gout too and its hurts bad! Get to the doc and have your uric acid levels checked! eat lots of cherries they say that helps.
  • VanessaFaulkner
    =) I really don't eat much cheese...maybe a few slices a week. I don't drink milk...I use Silk. No dairy, as I've gotten older I'm a little intolerant. I bought 2 big bags of cherries last night. ate probably 2 or 3 cups fulls last night.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Doing some research, there are many triggers (and they are guessing)
    = some vegetable triggers
    = fast weight loss!!
    = stress

    Hope you can get some relief! I know my husband suffers pretty bad :(

    We are going to try having him take vitamin C supplements and cherries (fresh whole or 100% cherry juice to mix it up).