Tracking My Daily Intake...

Any tips on tracking food. Haven't done that just yet, as I am terrified to see what is really going into my mouth, but I know it is as important as exercising. Are the foods in the database pretty accurate?? And, should I log as I eat or log at the end of the day?? Just looking for feedback, and my diary is set to public, so if you see something that is sorta icky and not good for me, please call me out on it.




  • Melissa_Roy189
    Melissa_Roy189 Posts: 6 Member
    From my experience, the information in the data base is very accurate! Also, I log as I eat, or in advance, leaving it to the end of the day just makes it easier for me to go over my alotment!
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i log everything i know i am going to eat throughout the day in the morning... for example... if i plan on going out to sushi i will log what i know i'm going to eat... that way i can adjust my meals and exercise throughout the day. i use to log at night and i would always forget things. make sure you log your beverages too!!
  • whitbran
    whitbran Posts: 45
    i log everything i know i am going to eat throughout the day in the morning... for example... if i plan on going out to sushi i will log what i know i'm going to eat... that way i can adjust my meals and exercise throughout the day. i use to log at night and i would always forget things. make sure you log your beverages too!!

    I made a special section for "BEVERAGES", because I need to really get that in check!! ♥
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Most of the foods in the database have been pretty accurate so far. If there are several of the same thing I try to go with the one with the highest number of "confirmations" which means other members have checked it and confirmed the info was correct. And if I can't find one with a high number then I usually just double check it according to the label or if it's a restaurant I check it against the info on their website when available. Once you've used a food once it saves it for you in the "My Foods" tab so you don't have to go back and keep checking over & over if you eat that same food again, just use the one that you already have saved.

    P.S. I also log everything either the night before or first thing of the morning. . .then I wait till the end of the day to hit "complete" but even after you complete it you can still go back in and change it if something changes. :smile:
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I find a lot of conflicting entries for foods in the database. I usually check for an average one, or go to the products web site to see what the manufacturer says it is.

    I usually log in before I eat so I know if I can afford what I want. This is especially helpful when I'm going to restaurants. I don't worry as much about what I'm eating, as how many calories it is. That way I don't feel so much like I'm dieting and depriving myself.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I log mine as I go. When I figure I'm going to splurge, I just type it in to see what it looks like FIRST! Then I make the final decision of if its worth it or not. I understand your apprehension, but for me LOOKING at what I have been eating is very healing. Seeing it alone, makes it so much easier to make better choices. (most of the time) :) Good luck!
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I log mine as I go. When I figure I'm going to splurge, I just type it in to see what it looks like FIRST! Then I make the final decision of if its worth it or not. I understand your apprehension, but for me LOOKING at what I have been eating is very healing. Seeing it alone, makes it so much easier to make better choices. (most of the time) :) Good luck!

    You are so right. Decisions have been modified by looking at it first.

    Also some odd finds as you go. For me at least I have had surprizes.. Like I went to Olive Garden last week and "portion" of their side salad was 250 calories VS a bowl of their creamy Zuppa Toscona which was only 200.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've found that it's pretty accurate for calories but not all the remaining nutritional info is input correctly. So, if you're just worried about calories, you're probably fine. If you need to keep your sugar or sodium in check, I'd double check anything that looks too high or low.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I typically log mine as I go since I have it on my phone, although it's harder to verify the stats on food with my phone than it is on my laptop. There are some days I'll "try" to plan my meals out and have it all set ahead of time, that way there's no guessing on what I should be eating at what time. I'm still working on getting that down though.

    Most the stats seem pretty accurate, I usually look for the one with the most confirmations.