Eating Too Much Dinner/Hungry

Hi everyone,

Hopefully my question makes sense. I love dinner. I love cooking and trying recipes etc. I eat about 400-600 total during the day then come home and I am starving so I end up eating too much in calories because of snacking while cooking or portion size because I'm hungry. Does anyone else feel like this or have helpful tips? I want enough to enjoy dinner so that's why I try to go light in the day if that makes sense even though I know it's not working . So backward in thinking but I am being honest.


  • TashaaaKayeee
    TashaaaKayeee Posts: 114 Member
    I'm pretty sure your "biggest" meal of the day should be breakfast then healthy snacks through the day. Then there's your lunch & dinner. Maybe try finding recipes that are more filling but less your calorie in take?
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    I don't eat snacks normally. Today had whole grain English muffin and 1 egg scrambled. Then a bag of popcorn for lunch with a whey protein shake. All of that was 380 calories because I knew I was making a 615 cal recipe for dinner but then came home and ate a bunch of crap while cooking. Does it mean that to lose weight 600 cal dinners etc. are out of the question? It was a fish with udon noodles and cabbage from Blue Apron.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    Nothing is wrong with the time you eat your allotted calories. I do the same thing, i love a big healthy dinner. In 42 days of logging I'm down 10.6 lb, with occasional overages and sporadic exercise.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited February 2016
    It does not matter when you eat unless eating late causes you acid reflux when you go to bed.

    I eat most of my calories in the evening and I'm losing weight just fine.

    If I were you, I would plan in a few more calories throughout the day. I don't let myself get hungry. If I'm hungry, I eat a little something or a meal. If I get too hungry, I'm prone to overeating.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I live a big dinner, and eat lightly through the day to make room for it. It hasn't stopped me losing weight! I really believe the key to success is to make it work for you.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I always have a big dinner. Breakfast and lunch are about the same calories, breakfast a little bit lighter. I always plan for a snack in the afternoon or make sure I can eat dinner pretty soon after I get home. Crock pot meals really help with that.
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    I like the idea of crockpot meals . I need to make some of those. Maybe a 100 cal late afternoon snack would help the hungry/cranky feeling I get while making dinner. Do you guys think a protein or carb?
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    The other thing is that according to mfp to lose 2 lbs a week I am to eat 1200 cal. I think this part of the problem. I am too hungry. I think maybe try 1500 for a couple of weeks and see what happens? I am walking or doing a class 3-5 days week.
  • jenfa115
    jenfa115 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been trying to include protein in my afternoon snack and I think that helps. I also love to cook and dinner is my favorite meal as well. I know it seems simple but sometimes I pop a piece of gum in my mouth or brush my teeth before I cook dinner and it helps me not eat while I am cooking!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    socrmommy wrote: »
    The other thing is that according to mfp to lose 2 lbs a week I am to eat 1200 cal. I think this part of the problem. I am too hungry. I think maybe try 1500 for a couple of weeks and see what happens? I am walking or doing a class 3-5 days week.

    2 lb/week is pretty aggressive for many people. In general, the upper limit should be around 1% body weight per week, and many people will do well to go lower than that.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I save about 1000 calories or more for the night time. I've had to learn how to eat during the day to stay full to do so. Breakfast is coffee with cream and sugar, lunch is around 1:00 and is usually a can of tuna with a whole box/bag of lettuce, laughing cow cheese, and hot sauce for dressing. I get a second coffee around 3:00 and if I'm training at night, I will have a protein bar around 4 or 5. The key for me is the volume of my salad. I eat a stupid amount of lettuce. I like it and it's worth it to me.
  • kdblpn
    kdblpn Posts: 147 Member
    I start my calories at 3pm so i can have the extra calories for dinner..then i adjust what i eat the next day for breakfast and lunch so i can stay under my calories for the 24 hours
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    So I need to bulk up my lunches I think with more veggies and protein. I really like dinner and don't want to give it up. How long did it take to learn to eat less during day?
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    kdblpn wrote: »
    I start my calories at 3pm so i can have the extra calories for dinner..then i adjust what i eat the next day for breakfast and lunch so i can stay under my calories for the 24 hours

    Can you explain further??!? That sounds really interesting
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You just need to find a little balance. Meal timing isn't important for weight loss, but if not eating during the day is causing you to go over your calorie allotment at night, then you really should eat a bit more at lunch. Plus, you'll likely enjoy your dinner a bit more if it isn't causing you the anxiety of overeating.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    socrmommy wrote: »
    So I need to bulk up my lunches I think with more veggies and protein. I really like dinner and don't want to give it up. How long did it take to learn to eat less during day?

    Learning was not the issue. I was a little uncomfortable hunger wise for maybe...a week, or less. I'm not in a deficit though so I have quite a lot of calories to use at night which probably helps me get through the morning the next day. I did do it in a deficit and found that throwing some protein powder in my coffee helped me stay fuller longer. I didn't need sugar either so the calorie count wasn't much more than cream/sugar.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    What you eat...that english muffin and popcorn, would leave me really hungry. Those are snacky things I leave for discretionary calories. Not how I stay satiated.
  • socrmommy
    socrmommy Posts: 31 Member
    Ok. I think that is the fundamental problem. What I am eating in day is the problem.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    You could reset your goals to a 1 pound per week loss and have enough calories to allow for snacks and suffer less frustration. :)@rankinsect is bang on in his comments. Most aim for too aggressive a goal.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Right, also 2 lbs per week can be too aggressive. Make the experience the least painful you possibly can while still losing weight :)