Hi! 38 year old mom.. gained weight!

Hi! I am a 38 year old mom. I have gained HORRIBLE weight since my wedding at the end of Oct, and through the holidays. I lost alot of weight, and remember saying I would NEVER GAIN IT BACK, AND I HAVE GAINED SOME BACK... I am looking at loosing 17-18lbs. I would love and accept any motivating friend request and also advice! Thank you soo very much!


  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    You can add me if you would like to. :)
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    Lots of people gain weight after a wedding. Comes with happiness. Sometimes you just start matching your portions with your spouse and you just can't eat the bigger portions. I would say to just keep at it. Maybe add in a level of exercise that is sustainable like twice a week aerobics or something. Then, look at your food and see if you can up the quality of the food. Replace regular fats with good fats. Upgrade from anything white flour to whole grains or whole wheat. Add in more fruits and vegetables. Skip the super low fat dairy if it has major sugar in it. Do it gradually so it is a lifestyle change.
  • gothicravenangel29
    Add me if you want. Super active and love motivating others.
  • michelerich77
    michelerich77 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm super new and I'm not sure how to add anyone lol.. please feel free to add me until I get the hang of this lol
    Thank you soo much everyone!!