Low Carb Dieters - do you have problems with.....



  • I add 2 tablespoons of Flaxseed to my food daily. It is the best fiber source out there. Try to find the ground up flaxseeds so your body uses the whole thing. If you eat the whole seeds and dont chew them enough you dont get as many nutrients. It seems to help me :)
  • Sherbare63
    Sherbare63 Posts: 6 Member
    I started taking konjac root fiber supplements that also have the added benefit of expanding in your stomach and making you feel full. It's the same fiber that is in Japanese shiritake noodles and is a Japanese weight loss tool that they have used for years to maintain their weight and glucose levels.
  • deb1130
    deb1130 Posts: 38 Member
    You could try magnesium supplements. It's a main ingredient in some laxatives (Milk of Magnesia for instance), but it's also something we don't get enough of. If you take any calcium supplements or certain other medications, you need more magnesium, for instance.

    AND, it's excellent for sore muscles--Epsom salts is magnsium salts and is absorbed through the skin. Dietary sources are green leafies and whole grains. You should be getting the greens on a low carb diet, but not the whole grains, so it might help. And, mag supplements are usually cheaper than laxatives containing magnesium.

    I'm not a doctor! But, my doctor suggested supplements for chronic muscle spasms and it seems to help.
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