Metamucil wtf

My question in a nutshell is has anyone experienced massive "weight gain" or huge bloating after adding metamucil to their diet?

More info: my highest weight was 97kg, my lowest was 67. I'm only 5'3 so weight shows massively on my body. I reached my lowest weight late last year but then went home to Ireland for Xmas where I had very little control over my daily food as my mum insisted on cooking. I eat a plant based diet and did maintain that. However I consumed a lot of alcohol and knew I had gained.

When I got back to Sydney I was about 71 and that was fine, I knew where it had come from i.e 3 weeks of boozing and processed food.

I am very prone to constipation and suffered terribly with it over the 3 weeks and upon returning to my normal life. I thought it better to add metamucil, the fibre supplement, than take laxatives as I know they can weaken the bowel over time.

The metamucil really "regulated" me so I kept it up daily, all 3 tablespoons.

However despite exercising like a fiend (c210k and Kayla Itsines Bbg) I have ballooned to nearly 75kg.

Apart from adding exercise, nothing in my daily regime has changed. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm baffled!


  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    Psyllium husk (the main ingredient in metamucil) works by absorbing water to help soften and bulk up the stool, stimulating bowel movements. That might mean there's more actual mass of waste in your bowels than before, although 6 kg worth seems unlikely.

    Metamucil is also not calorie free- it's ~20 calories a tablespoon, so that's 60 calories/3 tablespoons you're perhaps not tracking, but again, this seems very unlikely to account for all 6 kg of gain.

    New exercise can also cause fluid retention for muscle repair), so if "exercising like a fiend" is new to you (or new in a while) that might be part of it.

    The most likely explanation is that something in your logging has changed or been missed, plus a little of the above issues, adding up to 6 kg.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Insoluble fiber is not good for you, except if you like bloating and constipation. Use soluble fiber, like Inulin, instead. Also take magnesium citrate tablets twice a day, morning and nite. Read the book "Fiber Menace" for more info.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Psyllium husk (the main ingredient in metamucil) works by absorbing water to help soften and bulk up the stool, stimulating bowel movements. That might mean there's more actual mass of waste in your bowels than before, although 6 kg worth seems unlikely.

    Metamucil is also not calorie free- it's ~20 calories a tablespoon, so that's 60 calories/3 tablespoons you're perhaps not tracking, but again, this seems very unlikely to account for all 6 kg of gain.

    New exercise can also cause fluid retention for muscle repair), so if "exercising like a fiend" is new to you (or new in a while) that might be part of it.

    The most likely explanation is that something in your logging has changed or been missed, plus a little of the above issues, adding up to 6 kg.

    Thanks for your response.

    I totally acknowledge I gained while on holiday. I'm more concerned about the 3-4kg gain upon returning. I have been weighing everything. The only thing which has changed in my diet is that I've added coffee again (soy based lattes) but again, I'm logging it. I have been in deficit every day bar 4 over the past few weeks.

    I have also been logging the metamucil in ny diary daily as I know it isn't calorie free.

    I think you may have a point with the water retention from exercise. I'm also due a period.

    All that said, I have unusual gasiness and my stools are watery and very...loose. I've been having 3-4 bowel movements per day. I haven't experience this type of bloating, cramping, bowel activity or general discomfort since I gave up dairy products which I blood tests indicated I was intolerant of. Is it the metamucil? Or should I see my GP? At the end of the day, it's what is normal for you is it not? And this is just not normal for me
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Maybe you're overdoing the Metamucil if it's giving you diarrhea type symptoms. I track my fiber in MFP, and take only one teaspoon on a day when my fiber is under goal. Also, back in the day when I had periods, I used to have some diarrhea type symptoms.

    Also, some people are sensitive to soy. My son who takes protein powder has the symptoms you describe when he uses a soy-based protein product. If you're not lactose-intolerant, use skim milk instead of soy in your latte.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    Maybe you're overdoing the Metamucil if it's giving you diarrhea type symptoms. I track my fiber in MFP, and take only one teaspoon on a day when my fiber is under goal. Also, back in the day when I had periods, I used to have some diarrhea type symptoms.

    Also, some people are sensitive to soy. My son who takes protein powder has the symptoms you describe when he uses a soy-based protein product. If you're not lactose-intolerant, use skim milk instead of soy in your latte.

    Thanks. I just had severe diarrhoea at 11.30pm after posting (incidentally 24 hours exactly after my last metamucil dose which I took late having missed it in the morning yesterday by accident) . I'm going to adopt a simple bland diet for a few days and I'll cut out the soy again as I've no issue with a good black coffee.

    The metamucil is obviously dead to me now lol