I'm on Day 2

So last summer I used a different calorie counting app and I was able to lose 30 pounds. Then I started dating someone, stopped counting calories and as of yesterday, I had gained back all but 4 pounds of it. At least I'm still ahead, but I'm really disappointed in myself.

So I found this app and so far so good. The other app I used had a barcode scanner but everything else on this app seems to be better. And I seem to be more motivated than the other times I started (and stopped rather quickly) counting calories since I lost the weight last summer.

If I don't work out (which I'm having a hard time doing this summer with everything going on), I'm allowed 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. That's less than what I did last summber (1500-1800) so I think that will be motivation to work out so i can eat more and still net 1200 each day.

So at the beginning of last summer I was 218 and I got down to 188. Yesterday I weighed in at 214.4 so that's my starting weight for MFP.

Yesterday went okay. It was hard staying under the calories but I did it. Today I weighed in at 213.3 so I'm pretty sure yesterday was a "heavy" day (probably from the Mexican I ate Saturday night) and today's weight is probably a little more accurate, but I'm already motivated by the 1.1 lost!

My first goal is to get down to 160 and then I'm going to take it from there. The BMI chart says I need to get down to at least 147 but I've never been that small before so I'll reevaluate at 160. I carry my weight really well (213 now and size 14-16) so I'm not sure what my body will do between now and 160 pounds.


  • Tereztaylor07
    I use the app on my android phone and I have a barcode scanner on mine. Good luck!
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    Good job. I know how frustrating it is to lose weight and feel so good and then put it back on. I've done it a few times. I've been back on here for a little less than a week and it helps a lot. Just keeping track of the food I eat helps me to stay motivated because I know what I'm putting into my body. I've also joined the Y and have worked out for 3 days. It really does feel good and I can hardly wait to see the results in how my clothes fit. Keep up the good work. You're going to make it.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Hi and welcome!! I am on day 8 and I have found myself really motivated... I am only weighing myself on a Thursday, but last week after jusst four days I had lost 5lbs, I was absolutely buzzing!! Enjoy. JSJ xx
  • Sherbare63
    Sherbare63 Posts: 6 Member
    Yay!! Thanks! I just found the barcode scanner. This will be very helpful.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    That seems like a really low calorie intake. I'm 150 right now and at 1360 calories to lose a pound a week. Even at my highest (185) I've never had mfp set me up at 1200?? But, I know there are a lot of factors to the equation and your height, age, activity level, etc. might be far different than mine.
  • sbourassa18
    Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to take a "before pic" tonight and maybe another every 10 pounds.