Need new friends

Hi! I'm getting started at logging again. Would be great to make some friends along the way for motivation. I'm getting married this year and would love to lose some weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle!


  • neutroncore
    neutroncore Posts: 36 Member
    Congratulations in advance !
    From New JERSEY, US.
    4-5 workouts per week, healthy food conscious. Started running regularly, and may be there is a chance to participate in a half marathon.

    Feel free to add me ☺.
  • debbiesteinman
    debbiesteinman Posts: 55 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. You can always add me as a friend. 60 yr.old female doing weight training 3x/wk and cardio 3x/wk. I am finding it difficult to stick to my 1300 calorie diet. Injured my chest cartilage at Goodlife and presently had to stop weight training till it heals. I am signed up for the CN Tower stair climb (1776 steps) in April so I want to get into great shape by then.