Great Disappointment

sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
When i started trying to lose weight i was 184. I have been on this site and doing this for 115 days and counting. i have been yoyoing between 174 and 184 throughout this entire time. I see a small amount of weight loss since i started this in my face and body but im started to wonder if i have a problem.I'm human, so of course there are days where i screw up and maybe my foods aren't as healthy as they should be but for the most part i tend to stay in the 1,300 range. I started walking three weeks ago every other day for an hour and havent really seen a difference in my weight like i thought i would.

What should i do? Should i start walking more? should i start incorporating yoga for strength? should i start eating grass? what should i focus on and how can i get myself to start losing a pound a week? should i even UP my calories??? or lower them?! i almost never eat what burn when i go walking but should i? WHY CANT I JUST LOSE WEIGHT!?


  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Spice it up. Walk faster, add in some jogging spurts, do some extra cardio in the mix. Try skipping some. Ha. I'm a dork and I do all kinds of stuff on my walks.
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    I don't know what you're eating but I do know that if you are eating 1300 calories, you need to make sure it's super healthy stuff and not junk or pseudo junk disguised as health food (slim fast bars/shakes, etc). Make sure you're watching your sugar. You may need to amp up your cardio some!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Try eating more. Healthy choices of course. No harm in trying. 1300 might just be too low for you.
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Watch your sodium intake - looks high. Also - looking back a couple months thru your food diary you're not netting at least 1200/day.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I would try some strength training like lifting weights. I do the jullian michaels videos at home 5 days a week and I change it up every 4 weeks so I will hopefully not hit a plateau anytime soon. that sounds like what has happened to you.
    strength training is a great way to burn calories and loose weight
  • htakh
    htakh Posts: 1 Member
    I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds for the last 6 weeks. My progess record is practically a straight line. I'm at the point we're I'm ready to give up. Stick with it, you're not alone!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Are you doing any strength training? I'd add some weights to your exercise regime. More muscle means your body burns more calories.

    Also - maybe try zig zagging for a few weeks.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I think you do need to incorporate exercise but if you are walking and not adjusting your calories that could be the problem. You may be going below 1200 calories which can cause your body to go into starvation mode. I say increase your workouts and your calories. You are not eating enough. I think 1300 may be too low for you to start with.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Incorporate some strength training, as well as mixing up your cardio. Building muscle will help you burn more calories throughout the day!

    I like for exercise ideas, they have a ton that you can do at home, even without any crazy equipment.

    And make sure to get you net calories as close to your goal as possible.
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    I see from looking at your food diary that you're either skipping meals fairly frequently (lunch and dinner) or you're just not entering them. I'd suggest eating more regularly, either 3 times a day or smaller meals more frequently (5-6 times a day). Try some healthier snacks too. I know we all need our treats (Wendy's for me!) but try to keep it mostly healthy. Perhaps you need to eat a little more, seems counter-intuitive but it seems to work. Good luck.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    I would look at zig-zag calorie intake to shake up your metabolism. You have a very adaptive metabolism and it adjusts really easily to lower calorie intake by burning less. This would be great if we were having a famine, but in times of plenty it keeps our weight up. I have found that the only way for me to get the scale to move is to eat more one day, less on another. I shoot to a weekly calorie goal instead of a daily. And when I go to eat a lot of calories, I make them lean protien. Then I pound the water. A few days of this and I can usually get the scale to jiggle a bit.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Watch your sodium intake and sugar intake and drink LOTS of water. 8/8oz is the bare minimum. For your weight you should drink at least 11/8oz.
    Also, I agree with prior post in that just because you are in you 1300 does not mean its the right food. I can eat 1300 of big macs and ice cream and I will not loose weight. Increase your raw veggies!!

    So in conclusion:

    Lower sodium
    Lower sugar
    Up water intake
    Up veggie intake

    You should see some change in 2wks. Good luck!!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Are you eating the same types of meals you normally do? Maybe you could try calorie shifting/upping & lowering your calorie intake instead of always staying at 1300? Maybe you could eliminate or cut back on sugars are starches (this helped me A LOT!).

    Aside from that, incorporating more exercise and switching up your meal plans is likely to work. Since you have lost 10lbs have you reset your goals? I find that when you are at a weight you had previously been at, or at a healthy weight for your height, that is when it slows down. And one other thing. Have you been measuring yourself? If you are gaining muscle you may not see much movement on the scale, but if you measure yourself you may find you are losing inches.

    Hopefully you start seeing a change soon!! I would suggest changing your goals and trying new things to see what works. Speaking with a doctor or nutritionist may help to, just to see exactly what you may be doing that is halting your weight loss.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    You said you started walking every other day for 60 minutes but at what speed and what intensity?
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Get your Thyroid checked. I was in the hospital for a broken leg in March and they ran labs in ER. Found out my Thyroid was not working (almost at all).

    I've been on medication every since. Although I do not know how much weight I've lost (just getting mobile from broken leg/surgery), my clothes are bigger and everyone says I've lost a bit of weight. Now, any other time someone is stuck in bed for 2 - 3 months there would a weight gain.

    So... I am a big supporter of getting the TSH labs run. If that is the problem, they'll get you set up on the right meds and, as my endocrinologist said to me, you'll see the weight start to slip away.....
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Well if you really want to do this then commit to it. If you eat more calories on some days then walk it off, if you want to work it off quicker jog/walk, start doing family activities to burn calories and have fun at the same time. Badminton, frisbee, baseball, just playing catch, swimming and so many other things. You can do it and once you get on the ball it will work for you.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    Youre walking for an hour, but are are just strolling around, or are you pushing it hard and sweating your butt off??

    Also, water is very important. The more you drink, the more you lose.
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    You had me cracking up with that "eating grass" question! For heaven's sake, don't start doing that! My suggestion is to grab a couple large canned goods (or actual hand weights if you own those) when you head out for your walk. That little amount of weight will add some umph to your walk for sure. Do some bicep curls along with your steps, some backward arm extensions...anything that will get your smaller upper body muscles burning calories in conjunction with your lower body. An ExcerciseTV trainer calls this "heating up the internal furnace." Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would suggest mixing up the exercise a bit, and adding in strength would be a great start! It's as easy as buying a couple of hand weights and googling "at home strength training workout for women". Or check out some of the circuit training DVDs at Walmart/Target - they're only like $10. Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or Bob's Biggest Loser Bootcamp are two I've tried and really liked and they don't take a ton of time.

    I think your diary looks pretty good but I would also suggest trying to up the calories a bit - I think your deficit is already pretty high and when you don't eat your exercise calories, your total for the day is way too long. You should try to never net below 1200
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    You may not be getting enough calories for your bodies needs.. OR you may be getting the wrong kind. If you stay within your limits, but its just not the right 'kinds' of foods, then that will stall your release as well. This I learned the hard way! Staying beneath calories, but still sneakign in junk WILL reveal itself to you.
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