Alcohol is my worst enemy :(

Ok this is more of a vent than anything. I exercise every day of the week, and sometimes the weekend. I usually burn about 600 calories per day and eat very healthy. I like to drink, I have two small children and drinking at the end of the day relaxes me. I don't drink to get drunk... anyways.

I am at that point that no matter how I exercise, the weight it staying the same and I have quite a bit to lose!!! AHHHH anyone else going through this? I even add my alcohol into my daily food and don't go above my calories. I really think its holding me back. I'm personally going to try doing yoga at night to replace my drinking, but it just sucks because I love drinking. lol


  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    sounds to me like you may not be eating enough. weird to hear, i know. lots of people on this site have increased their good calorie intake and stopped their plateau. if you made your diary public it would be easier to find a solution. do you measure out how much you drink? if you dont that may be adding to a lot of excess calories. if posible i would look into other ways to relax such as yoga and try to limit drinking to only 2 days per week.

    select makes 55 calorie lemonade drinks too!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I too enjoy a drink (or 2 or 5 lol) just as a way to relax! I have tried really hard to make myself wait for the weekends and have switched to Bud Select 55. It tastes pretty good, but does not seem to pack on the pounds like other beers. Seems like to me, once I start drinking, I dont eat as much but end up with alot of water weight to lose. Glad to see that there is someone else like me, I go through this every Monday!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I am in the same boat! My guy and I like to sit on the deck in the evenings and have a drink or two. But drinking was hindering my weight loss, big time!

    I stopped drinking for a month, not one single drop of alcohol, and I lost 14 pounds. I gained half back though cause I still have a drink a couple days a week. But I know if I really want to kick start the loss, I have to get rid of the alcohol!

    I started drinking sleepytime tea at night, I like that ritual just as much as a fruity cocktail...maybe you could try that....and it's even calming too! (I have three kids so I understand! lol)
  • hurwitzmm
    hurwitzmm Posts: 9 Member
    Jessica - FWIW, I do the same thing. I enter the calories (EMPTY UGH), when ever I have a drink. Not only do I see a significant decrease in my intake, but I have lost SO much once I stopped my drinking.

    The carbs in beer, for instance, will kill your weight loss goal :(
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Yeah, the better the weekend - the more Monday's suck!:huh:
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    I feel your pain. I love wine. However, alcohol slows down your metabolism like crazy so just cut it out of your diet. I did and the weight started coming off. In addition you will sleep better and just feel better all around. Yoga is an excellent idea.

    good luck!
  • hatchhome
    hatchhome Posts: 65
    Honestly it comes down to just giving up what u know is holding u back. If you used chocolate for the same reasons u would have to give it up to achieve your goals. Just remind yourself that when get to where u want can enjoy alcohol again. Stay strong, no drink makes u feel better then a heathy body.
  • TriumphantLife
    TriumphantLife Posts: 56 Member
    I can so relate. It's hard for me to sleep at night so a couple of glasses of wine do the trick. I think I may need to go to the doc for sleeping medicine because Im pretty sure the wine is hindering my weight loss. Your not alone.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Ok this is more of a vent than anything. I exercise every day of the week, and sometimes the weekend. I usually burn about 600 calories per day and eat very healthy. I like to drink, I have two small children and drinking at the end of the day relaxes me. I don't drink to get drunk... anyways.

    I am at that point that no matter how I exercise, the weight it staying the same and I have quite a bit to lose!!! AHHHH anyone else going through this? I even add my alcohol into my daily food and don't go above my calories. I really think its holding me back. I'm personally going to try doing yoga at night to replace my drinking, but it just sucks because I love drinking. lol

    The thing about alcohol is the body has a hard time digesting the sugars. Your body goes "oh need to get rid of the alcohol" and sort of forgets to deal with the quick carbs.
  • JessicaHamilton
    Wow thanks everyone!! You guys are too quick! :) and I appreciate the idea about the sleepytime tea! I actually stopped drinking for one week once and also did a cleanse (the 17 day diet cleanse) and I lose 7 lbs in just a few days. lol Its just so hard, my husband loves to drink and I blame him LOL!!! ok well its me i know. :) and I did use to make sure I ate way less in the day just so I could have room to drink. I stopped doing that, now I have been just exercising more (lol) you'd think that would work, but no. I will definitely have to try the tea idea and I'm going to start doing yoga. Why does drinking have to be so relaxing? And I do have my food diary public as well :) It keeps me on track. :o)
    Thanks again for your support everyone. I love myfitnesspal!! :o)
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    I too enjoy a drink (or 2 or 5 lol) just as a way to relax! I have tried really hard to make myself wait for the weekends and have switched to Bud Select 55. It tastes pretty good, but does not seem to pack on the pounds like other beers. Seems like to me, once I start drinking, I dont eat as much but end up with alot of water weight to lose. Glad to see that there is someone else like me, I go through this every Monday!

    i am on the same boat. I switched to Select 55 too. I have managed to cut down the during the week.. avoiding happy hours after work but once the weekend hits... I am drinking like I am some on some booze cruise & my eating habits go down the drain cause I don't eat much at all. I know this is holidng back from getting the results I really want. :(
  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    Ah the demon drink!...I know how you feel - I wouldn't be a midweek drinker but I love Saturday nights. I decided to knock the drink on the head for a couple of weeks as I've been stuck for quite some time and my weigh hasn't been budging. Well I lost 1lb this week (might not be much, but at least it's something!!) but I'm convinced it's because I'm not drinking.

    You're right to try and find something to distract you in the evening, like Yoga or even call a friend up and go for a walk or a cycle. You'll feel great & that glass of wine on a Saturday night will taste even sweeter!! :smile:
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I too have the same issue. I do well all day with my exercise and calorie intake, but love my white wine spitzers at the end of the day. I have good intentions and say I'm only going to have one, but two hours later, it's three or four. I don't drink every night, but once i start, i almost always over do it. I've lost about 35lbs in the last year and have been holding (not gaining or loosing) for the last few months. I think once i get serious about loosing the last 15lbs i'll stop altogether.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I've only been here a month but i'm doing the zig/zag calorie thing and keeping my goal of net 1400 calories a day but alternating in the week (higher/lower). I drink wine with my guy on Fridays and eat more fun (less rigid on the weekends) BUT I still count the calories.

    It has been working for me, though it takes a few days after the drinking to show on the scale (lots of bounce for a day or two).

    Its working for me (but I understand we all have unique experiences).
  • JessicaHamilton
    Ok i'm going to do a 30 day challenge personally. I'll create a new post so I can get more people involved. The challenge? NO ALCOHOL for 30 days! If you're interested in joining this challenge, add me to your friends! :) I think if we all do this together, maybe we could motivate each other and keep each other on track :)

    Are you up for this challenge!?? :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I feel your pain. I love wine. However, alcohol slows down your metabolism like crazy so just cut it out of your diet. I did and the weight started coming off. In addition you will sleep better and just feel better all around. Yoga is an excellent idea.

    good luck!

    Last summer, I drank wine alot and didn't realize that was what was making me gain even more weight! I'm hypothyroid, so I know alcohol just causes my metabolism to come to a complete hault! Sucks!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I'm up for the challenge ... however, when do you plan on starting??
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Also drinking and carbs are my weakness .... I know without a doubt they both are causing me not to loose weight. The weekends however are my worst enemy! I do so well during the week and them BAM, its the weekend and everything goes down hill.
  • jeremymaritz
    Everyone up above is right; when you stop drinking the pounds literally fall off. Mostly it's because your liver has recovered enough to do what it's supposed to; metabolize your food. I had quit for two months before a trip to Europe (wine! ahhhh!) and I had seriously never felt better and couldn't stop the weight from falling off if I tried!

    This is why people get beer-bellies; your food calories get to your liver and it's so busy metabolizing booze that those food calories just get stored...the liver simply doesn't have time to deal with it.

    So yeah, I'm with you on the 30 day thing...and beyond. It just isn't worth it to drink when you see how things could be without alcohol.
  • JessicaHamilton
    Yay for people wanting to do the challenge!! RIGHT ON! :) We're starting today! :)