too tired to cook tonight

CraigIW Posts: 176
Need an idea for dinner with the very minimum of effort involved - stat!


  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    Boil in a bag rice or pasta or quinoa or potato with frozen veggies (they heat up in the microwave) topped with butter, cheese, herbs or just eaten plain.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Tinned tuna steak, tin of lentils, add chopped avocado, tomato and rocket and drizzle with a little vinaigrette. Yummy!
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Whenever I'm too tired, busy or want something super filling, I take a can of healthy choice chicken and noodle soup, put it in a saucepan with a 1/2 cup brown rice. Bring to a boil and then let simmer for 10-12 minutes. Makes 2 huge servings and it's delicious, fast, easy and very healthy! I like to top it with some greek yogurt as well.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Well, my first answer would be salad. Just take whatever veggies you have on hand get creative. :happy:

    Another of my quick favs is grilled ham and cheese, using spray butter of course and with whole wheat bread.

    Oh and black bean/cheese quesadillas. I drain and rinse a can of black beans and smash some of them. I take that with some cheese and put it in a whole wheat burrito shell or fajita shell, which ever I have. Fold it over and cook through on the stove top. Then I can add whatever I have on hand,... salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, etc. Takes less than 15 minutes total.
    These are so filling that when I make them, not even my husband needs a side. It's like an entire meal it itself!

    Oh and scrambles or fritattas. I take about 8 eggs and put them in the skillet, add what ever veggies I have on hand and a little cheese, let the eggs set (about 5-10 minutes) then put directly into a oven around 450 degrees. Use a skillet that can go into the oven. :noway: heehheee. and Bake it off. About 10-15 more minutes. You can eat hot, warm or cold. Makes great leftovers and lunch the next day!

    Good Luck :happy:
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    Garden salad with fat free dressing.
    fat free hotdog with light wheat bread.
    Egg white with veggies in a low fat tortilla wrap.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Salad, apples with peanut butter (melted is good too), baked apple with cinnamon, soup (not much effort), a sandwich, omelet? If I am not feeling like cooking I usually just choose the easiest foods to make, lol.
  • apfeiff
    apfeiff Posts: 39
    Some good tips on here....

    Here's what I pull together:
    can of black beans
    can of corn
    diced tomato
    avocado slices

    I work up my container of beans & corn and put all of these items on a tortilla and add a sprinkle of cheese. One of my faves!
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    Black bean and tomato stuffed Sweet Potato

    1 pre-wrapped sweet potato
    1 can of black beans
    1 can of diced tomatoes
    1 tsp coriander
    1 tbs cumin

    Microwave the sweet potato for 7 minutes until tender
    Drain and wash black beans
    Mix beans, tomatoes, spices in a microwavable bowl (or stove pot) and heat
    Top the sweet potato with your black bean and tomato mix and add sour cream and cilantro(optional)

    One of the easiest and most tasty meals I've ever done. The flavor is amazing. :D

    Good Luck!
  • padkat
    padkat Posts: 75
    :smile: Stir fry rice noodles and king prawns with sweet chilli sauce - takes about 5 minutes tops. That's what I'm having.
  • kadinino
    kadinino Posts: 3
    I love to keep a bag of frozen uncooked pre de-veined shrimp in the freezer. They defrost in about 5 minutes and take only another 5-10 to cook. Great to have an easy and healthy protein available vs. chicken which if you forget to take out of freezer you can't make it! (which happens seriously EVERY time and if i do put in fridge to defrost i don't cook it and it goes bad.. sigh)

    Keep a bag of stir fry veggies in the freezer on hand and you are all set!

    I like to make my own sauce:

    Soy Sauce
    I have some sort of asian marinade that I throw in a pinch of for an extra boost
    Fresh grated ginger (if on hand)

    I also always have packaged precooked brown rice that you just microwave up for a minute. SO much better than having everything ready and realizing that it is going to take 40 mintues for the rice to cook :)