In dire need of motivation



  • Oseguera1991
    Oseguera1991 Posts: 20 Member
    I feel you. It's really hard to find that little voice in yourself to say "you can do it"- I still struggle with it myself. In terms of exercise for me I try really hard to NOT THINK AND JUST DO. This may sound silly but I over think everything- so I try hard to not think about "going to the gym" because if I do I'll come up with every stupid excuse why I can't or shouldn't. I just go-- sounds dumb but it works for me. I get in my car, put some feel good music on (gets me all hyped up) and drive there. I step inside and realize "*kitten* I am here!" First accomplishment right there! You owe it to yourself and your body for 20-30min exercise. It releases stress and will eventually believe it or not build your self esteem. Start simple-walking, etc. As for food just try to change small things first and gradually build your way up. This journey is yours and yours alone. If you do not make a change today then in a year from now you will be wishing you did and feel even worse. You can do it! Be patient, love who you presently are because she is your best friend, DO NOT compare yourself to anyone because we are each our own beautiful and take baby steps! Best of luck to you!
  • tamiburt713
    tamiburt713 Posts: 1 Member
    I have tried for many years to lose weight and would lose about twenty pounds and plateau. I need to lose 200. My only daughter got engaged last year and it seemed to give me a reason outside myself to be healthier. I have lost 39 pounds in six weeks. Now it is slowing down a bit. I am using JJ Virgins diet.
  • VictorianoAOchoa
    VictorianoAOchoa Posts: 20 Member
    You may or may not find him inspirational. I did. ZYZZ.
  • Thank you all so much for your support! All of your words gave encouraged me to take those first steps & make better choices! Love this community!
  • Lea_Darling
    Lea_Darling Posts: 13 Member
    I've been there... More than once. Eating out of control which leads to feeling bad which ends in more eating to feel better. It's a horrible cycle and you feel like you can't get out. Start off small. Change your eating habits first. Make healthy meals and prep ahead of time. Focus on increasing your water intake. After a week or two of getting that under control add exercise to your regimen. As long as you make small goals and keep focused it makes it easier to reach your overall goal in time. Believe in your goals and make them happen!
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    If you need motivation, I am 55 and have lost 112lbs and had to get over a cancer scare. Trust me you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Remember life is not a rehearsal, you only get one chance, so get out there and kick *kitten*.
    Good luck on your journey