Protein shakes

Hello has anyone tried meal replacements with protein shakes? Was thinking to replace one meal a day with a protein shake smoothie then two healthy meals. Just to get me started. Desperately need to lose 5/6 stone by the end of the year I've tried every single diet any advice would be greatly appreciated ☺️


  • TammerTammer
    TammerTammer Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am using Isagenix, 2 shakes a day 2 150 calorie snacks and a 600 calorie meal. Lost 28lbs since Jan 2.
    Some criticize but it is working for me.
    I want to lose a total of 125.
  • Leorah12
    Leorah12 Posts: 6 Member
    I consume herbal life shakes one to two meals a day works for me as long as I keep up with it
  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    I started drinking muscle milk on my way to the gym after work. It wasn't yummy, but it kept me full.
  • bizzybeathatsme
    bizzybeathatsme Posts: 21 Member
    I drink a protein shake after my work out., which they say is a good time to drink protein shakes bc it's wen ur muscles r warm from ur work out.,
    I use either krytosport protein., or combat protein.. They r both tasty.. I make my shake in a bullet, with a cup of frozen fruit,, and coconut milk.. Hits the spot..
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    leander151 wrote: »
    Hello has anyone tried meal replacements with protein shakes? Was thinking to replace one meal a day with a protein shake smoothie then two healthy meals. Just to get me started. Desperately need to lose 5/6 stone by the end of the year I've tried every single diet any advice would be greatly appreciated ☺️

    We all want to lose the weight fast, but weight loss is a slow process and can't be rushed. I know it's difficult, but please stop letting desperation dictate your actions. "Diets" are hard to stick to, they are meant to make you lose some weight and then give up, regain, and start anew, again and again. Why not just eat your normal food instead? You don't have to replace meals, just eat a little less. You can start eating better right away. Have liquid meals, if that's a preference, but protein shakes don't have any magical properties - it's protein powder, sugar, flavorings and water. Many people find that drinking their calories doesn't fill them up like solid food does. There is protein in lots of food too: meat, eggs, fish, beans, nuts, seafood and dairy, and even some in grains and vegetables.

    Go to your settings and tell MFP that you want to lose 2 pounds per week. When you have lost some weight, reduce it to 1.5, and then 1 and 0.5 pounds per week. You can hit your weight goal in less than a year if you weigh all your food, use the correct entries, and hit your calorie goal every day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    leander151 wrote: »
    Hello has anyone tried meal replacements with protein shakes? Was thinking to replace one meal a day with a protein shake smoothie then two healthy meals. Just to get me started. Desperately need to lose 5/6 stone by the end of the year I've tried every single diet any advice would be greatly appreciated ☺️

    Protein shakes are not intended to be meal replacements as they do not have the requisite nutrition to replace an actual meal...they're just a protein supplement intended to help you hit your protein targets should you be lacking.

    There are actual shakes that are intended to be meal replacements...but personally, I'd rather just eat a meal.

    Likely you issue with weight loss is unrealistic expectations...everyone wants to lose weight fast, but it's a slow process and one that ultimately requires long term adherence to a months and ultimately years if you intend to maintain. The problem most people have is that they go for a few weeks and are disappointed that they haven't lost all of their weight yet or that they've "only" lost a few Lbs, they throw their hands up in despair insisting it isn't working (when really, it is...just unrealistic expectations) so they lack consistency and adherence and never really lose the weight they intend to lose...they're always going on and off plan, and that's not going to work...consistency always wins the day.