What did the first month of weight loss look like for you?

Hi all,

I previously lost 40lbs on the dramatic HCG diet. I was addicted to that number on the scale and was constantly pleased to see how many numbers I could drop in a week. On average I was losing 3lbs a week and the most I lost was 7lbs in ONE week. Lost 40lbs in about 6-7 weeks and I felt like I looked great and I stopped the program. OBVIOUSLY this is not healthy and we've heard it all before.. A mere year and a half later I gained it all back. I didn't learn anything about a proper lifestyle, I just learned if you eat two salads a day with some protein shakes you'll lose weigh quick. So here I am two years later wanting that 170lb body back I got in a mere 6 weeks. I've been vegan for awhile (not a healthy one) and the last two weeks I've really been eating healthy nutritious meals and working out daily, and guess what? I haven't lost a single pound. How frustrating right? How could I have lost weight so quickly before being so unhealthy and here I am tracking and being a boss in the gym and not losing a single pound. However I know this is the right way to do it and the only way to have a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix. SO here is my question for you, what did your first month look like? Did you lose a bunch of weight? Did you not? How often did you work out? What did you eat? How has that changes over the course of your journey? Any advice/motivation for me?! What should I be expecting!! Looking forward to hearing everyone's stories!!


  • Kay_Fancy
    Kay_Fancy Posts: 34 Member
    Were you doing the HCG diet while being medically supervised? If you were supervised through maint. phase and kept healthy eating habits afterwards, working yourself back up to eating normally, if quite responsibly, you should have kept the weight off.

    Sorry you're having troubles. You may be gaining muscle in the place of fat you've lost because you're at the gym (I'm assuming you're lifting?)

    Try drinking an extra litre of water a day and stick to a 1500 calorie range for a week. Don't weigh yourself for a whole week, and then weigh yourself after your first morning pee. See how you've done. If you've only lost a pound, consider yourself successful. :)
  • mila0130
    mila0130 Posts: 12 Member
    To be honest, there is no normal to expect. Some people have underlying issues that prevent weight from falling of. For me, a hypothyroid on synthyroid, I've managed 5 this month. Suuucks. But it's 5 less I guess. I know from personal experience that after losing really easy it can be near impossible for a hot minute to get it back off again. All I can say is take each day as a new beginning and look back in a month to see what you did right and what you could work on. Every month you can do this because no matter how "perfect" your habits, you'd be surprised.
    Just, let's do this , rock it out and for for real this go.
  • TashaaaKayeee
    TashaaaKayeee Posts: 114 Member
    In my first month I lost 5lbs.... But! I lost inches in my waist, thighs, back & stomach. I paid attention to what I ate, how much I ate & so on.
    It was frustrating but at the end of the day I was proud of myself for doing it the right way with a healthy life style plus daily exercise.

    You can do it too! Just don't give up. Don't let the number on a scale dictate your hard work. & on the plus side by you doing it the healthy way, you won't be dealing with the harmful outcomes from an unhealthy way. Keep on keeping on :) just know we believe in you!
  • Seinna69
    Seinna69 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 12 in a month and I pray everyday that I won't stop.
  • Alicereed91
    Alicereed91 Posts: 20 Member
    For my first month I didn't weigh at all apart from at the start and end I lost 14lb. I tried bloody hard but I still had treat days. Fight for what you want but be realistic xx
  • gillielizsr
    gillielizsr Posts: 7 Member
    Just completed my first month, and lost 7lbs, which I'm very happy with. I've mostly just been cutting my portions in half and binging on veggies and smoothies instead of junk :)
  • curvybarbiie
    curvybarbiie Posts: 5 Member
    I started about 15 days ago and have lost 3.1kg (roughly 6 1/2 lb). All I did to lose that was cut out snacking for the most part (although I seem to have fallen back into that after a bit of a health scare so working on that again) and I also completely cut out drinking coke (I was almost going through 2ltr a day by myself!). Oh and I also do at least 5 days a week 20 minutes fast pace walking on the treadmill and I also have started the couch to 5k via the app thing as well. I'm also a scale obsessed person and want to keep seeing smaller numbers everytime I step onto it. I might have to get hubs to hide it from me lol.