Anyone need to lose 50 pounds?



  • wsecor
    wsecor Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me! I started 10 days ago and have 45 pounds to go.
  • liyahjames
    liyahjames Posts: 2 Member
    I'm down 16 pounds and want to lose 70 more. It's so hard. Everyday is a challenge for me.
  • emmam1212
    emmam1212 Posts: 67 Member
    Oh yeah. Down 20, and 30-40 to go. Feel free to add me ☺️
  • sarahredhaira
    sarahredhaira Posts: 79 Member
    I've been here since October and have lost 35lb so far. Not sure what my ultimate goal is so not sure how much I've got left to use, but I certainly have a way to go yet. Always happy to have more friends on here for motivation.
  • rabbiaa
    rabbiaa Posts: 30 Member
    hi, i am also looking for support and motivation add me i am aiming to lose 30 pounds before my wedding
  • kmarkham89
    kmarkham89 Posts: 6 Member
    Well done!! Add me if I haven't added you already. Thanks all x
  • babykristina
    babykristina Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'd love to lose 50–60 pounds. I started on Monday, February 8 and weighed in at 191.0 pounds. Monday the 15th, I weighed in and I had lost 6.8 pounds. Yay! I'm looking to lose at least 1 or 2 pounds a week. Best of luck to you on your weight loss as well.
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    I joined in August with 50lbs to lose. My goal was 1lb per week average. It has worked out! I have slipped off logging probably a couple dozen days spread out. The key of course is to forgive self and move forward. Having the right friends that like and comment your accomplishments, as well as being there for them in the same way, really helps. Good luck!
  • mumof4monkies
    mumof4monkies Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I would love great community support as well. Please feel free to add me and I'd love motivated, challenging friends. I need to lose 75 lbs.
  • mjinpgh
    mjinpgh Posts: 17 Member
    Just started myself too. Long long term is 100lb. But 1 yr goal ia 50lb. Walk the road together. First steps taken. Lets keep each other motivated and accountable. :D
  • Sixlees
    Sixlees Posts: 119 Member
    I am just starting and am going to lose 50 pounds minimum. Probably 65 before I am really comfortable
  • zuzuflub20
    zuzuflub20 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am on day 3 and I have a goal of 50 also. I have had success with mfp in the past because I have quite an anal obsessive personality and this method really siits me. I KNOW I can do this. It is just afterwards that scares me- no structure= disaster. Plesse add me ss a friend:-)
  • Trying to lose 50 by June! 70 by September. Let's get it!
  • disco_heat
    disco_heat Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'd love to lose 50lbs by September! 5lb down so far! :#
  • Darsi_Ajay
    Darsi_Ajay Posts: 28 Member
    you can add me.
  • Charm0nst3r
    Charm0nst3r Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 60 pounds in 3 months back in 2013. Since then a lot of negative things have happened in my life and I've gained back every single pound to my exact weight before I started. This time it's so much harder to start! I remember before just craving good food and feeling motivated to workout, as it made me feel a lot better. Now I find it hard to drive past a donut shop without stopping
  • mjinpgh
    mjinpgh Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 60 pounds in 3 months back in 2013. Since then a lot of negative things have happened in my life and I've gained back every single pound to my exact weight before I started. This time it's so much harder to start! I remember before just craving good food and feeling motivated to workout, as it made me feel a lot better. Now I find it hard to drive past a donut shop without stopping

    I'm in the same boat. Gained 30lb I had lost plus another 30lb in a 7 year slump after a major life change. I'm super motivated right now. I'm just hoping I can hold onto it. My Vivo and MFP will hopefully help me make this a long lasting, forever change.
  • mlindsey441
    mlindsey441 Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me. I'm hoping to lose exactly 50. It will be lots of hard work, so the more friends we have, the better!
  • desasmom300
    desasmom300 Posts: 25 Member
    kmarkham89 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    I am starting today and was wondering if anyone else is in the same boat and needs to lose 50lb.

    It would be good to help each other along the way with tips etc...



    50 is my goal. Would love a to think support is out there. WE'VE GOT THIS!!!!
  • marybeshara16
    marybeshara16 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 50 lbs too. Do not know how to keep on track. I keep falling off . I do need support and keys to lose that weight