Sick of being obese.



  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I read this once and copied it down. I have to read it a couple of times to understand what it is saying. but when I really read what its stating, its powerful.

    Weight loss is always accompanied by other inner changes because excess weight accumulation is only the END PRODUCT of in-congruent food attitudes, eating patterns and digestive processes. It's not the removal of weight so much as changing these processes that is your goal.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    MPF has been an amazing success for me. I had never really had much of a weight problem until 5-6 years ago. In fact, I tend to be underweight, but for whatever reason, I started packing on pounds like it was going out of style and NOTHING worked to stop it or get rid of it. Not even going to the gym 8-9 times a week (Yes I really was going twice a day at one point) And I ended up FAT/FIT and I was Angry. It was a body style that I happen to loathe with every fiber of my being.

    So I stopped going to the gym. Cancelled the gym membership and went home. Did nothing for like 2 years. Went from 180 to 225. In May, my oh-so-kind mother told me I was fat. Yeah . . . that's family for ya. It took me a bit more to actually get on a scale, but when I did, I realized I was gonna die in short order if I didn't make a change.

    Since going to a gym, exercising and eating "correctly" or according to a specific diet don't work for me, I had to do something different. So I logged in and started the portion control thing. I eat whatever I want, and I mean that. I will not eat a carrot stick if I want a candy bar. And it does me no good to even try. I'm just better off eating the candy bar because there's a good chance I'm going to dunk those carrot sticks in ranch, eat half a bag along with the ranch and still eat the candy or 2 or 3 at that point. So . . portion control it is.

    I've been here almost 200 days . . . I've lost 53 pounds, I am slightly less than 2 pounds from reaching my healthy weight range, and at 171, I am 9 pounds lighter than when I was going to the gym multiple times a day.
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I read this once and copied it down. I have to read it a couple of times to understand what it is saying. but when I really read what its stating, its powerful.

    Weight loss is always accompanied by other inner changes because excess weight accumulation is only the END PRODUCT of in-congruent food attitudes, eating patterns and digestive processes. It's not the removal of weight so much as changing these processes that is your goal.

    Awesome, totally awesome quote!!

  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    shadowconn wrote: »
    MPF has been an amazing success for me. I had never really had much of a weight problem until 5-6 years ago. In fact, I tend to be underweight, but for whatever reason, I started packing on pounds like it was going out of style and NOTHING worked to stop it or get rid of it. Not even going to the gym 8-9 times a week (Yes I really was going twice a day at one point) And I ended up FAT/FIT and I was Angry. It was a body style that I happen to loathe with every fiber of my being.

    So I stopped going to the gym. Cancelled the gym membership and went home. Did nothing for like 2 years. Went from 180 to 225. In May, my oh-so-kind mother told me I was fat. Yeah . . . that's family for ya. It took me a bit more to actually get on a scale, but when I did, I realized I was gonna die in short order if I didn't make a change.

    Since going to a gym, exercising and eating "correctly" or according to a specific diet don't work for me, I had to do something different. So I logged in and started the portion control thing. I eat whatever I want, and I mean that. I will not eat a carrot stick if I want a candy bar. And it does me no good to even try. I'm just better off eating the candy bar because there's a good chance I'm going to dunk those carrot sticks in ranch, eat half a bag along with the ranch and still eat the candy or 2 or 3 at that point. So . . portion control it is.

    I've been here almost 200 days . . . I've lost 53 pounds, I am slightly less than 2 pounds from reaching my healthy weight range, and at 171, I am 9 pounds lighter than when I was going to the gym multiple times a day.

    53 pounds down, that is awesome. Congratulations!! I will remember the carrot stick story, I am the same way as you. I've tried deprivation, portion control sounds so much better. Thanks for that advice, appreciate it!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I know right? Its a mind game. Change your mind, attitude, change your body. If only it was that easy. I try to eat "clean" no processed foods and chemically processed items. I have a 17 yr old son so I don't expect him to eat the way I do, nor my husband. So I do the "I am a line cook" thing. This is my journey not theirs. I am eating what I want to eat, not trying to convince them to eat my food.
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I know right? Its a mind game. Change your mind, attitude, change your body. If only it was that easy. I try to eat "clean" no processed foods and chemically processed items. I have a 17 yr old son so I don't expect him to eat the way I do, nor my husband. So I do the "I am a line cook" thing. This is my journey not theirs. I am eating what I want to eat, not trying to convince them to eat my food.

    Mind game is right, just have to get mine right. My boys want to eat healthy, so does my wife. They are from Mexico and love fruits and veggies with small portions of meat and fish. Because of me, they increased their portions of meat, added more fast foods and crap honestly. They will eat healthy and I will too. It is good for all of us.
  • mjinpgh
    mjinpgh Posts: 17 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    yep, sound advice.

    Take pleasure in persevering, that's what separates those who keep pushing forward from those who throw in the towel.

    I don't wish for this journey to be my "one of many" tried and failed attempts. I will get it right this go around.

    Exactly. Im so tired of failing at this.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oh that is great that you have a united front, in your family. The Navy killed my husbands' taste buds years ago, but he has no problem with me eating first, then fixing his. He is patient.
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Oh that is great that you have a united front, in your family. The Navy killed my husbands' taste buds years ago, but he has no problem with me eating first, then fixing his. He is patient.

    He sounds like a good man.

  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    mjpinvt wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    yep, sound advice.

    Take pleasure in persevering, that's what separates those who keep pushing forward from those who throw in the towel.

    I don't wish for this journey to be my "one of many" tried and failed attempts. I will get it right this go around.

    Exactly. Im so tired of failing at this.

    Failure is not an option!!!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I bought some sushi the other day, and he called it BAIT.
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I bought some sushi the other day, and he called it BAIT.

    Hahaha! That's what I call it too!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ppppffft. You need to try it! This past month I have had two whole dungeness crabs. That is really low in calories and I spent an hour cracking and banging with a hammer.
  • Koadop
    Koadop Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi John. Use My Fitness Pal to track your calories and aim for a deficit every day or about 300 calories. Over time, try to get used to eating food that is low in calories. For example, instead of 150 calories in a whole fat milk latte, I have switched to an almond milk latte that gives 60 calories per cup. Sometimes I drink pure black coffee (Americano or long black) with zero sugar or milk, which has about 1 or 3 calories (almost nothing). At work I drink green tea with hot water with no added sugar or milk, which also has virtually zero calories. I don't even bother tracking these in MFP because they are zero calories.

    At first it may be difficult, but once you get into the habit, it's easy. It's all about replacement. When you use MFP, you'll quickly notice which foods you normally eat that are high in calories (maybe a pizza or ice cream) and then you can simply switch it for something that is low calories.

    Running small calorie deficits over a long period of time is the aim. It's simple accounting: less calories in and more calories out. It's like running a business except instead of money it is calories and instead of trying to make a profit you're trying to make a loss! Good luck.

    Remember there are great rewards in losing weight. The main benefit is that you significantly cut the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. These diseases kill many people all over the world, so if you want to stay out of the hospital and live long, watch those calories!
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    Johnnielow wrote: »
    Can someone tell my how to add friends here, I have no clue.

    Click on a person's Username (to the left/below picture), then click their Username (on the right/of the picture); on the card that appears. Then click "Add As Friend"! You can type a message about, why you want to; be their friend & they can choose, to accept or deny, your request. Many won't accept, a friend request; without a message.
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    ppppffft. You need to try it! This past month I have had two whole dungeness crabs. That is really low in calories and I spent an hour cracking and banging with a hammer.

    I eat it, just call it bait!!
  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Koadop wrote: »
    Hi John. Use My Fitness Pal to track your calories and aim for a deficit every day or about 300 calories. Over time, try to get used to eating food that is low in calories. For example, instead of 150 calories in a whole fat milk latte, switch to an almond milk latte that gives you 60 calories. Running small calorie deficits over a long period of time is the aim. It's simple accounting: less calories in and more calories out. Good luck.

    Great advice and thanks for the encouragement!

  • Johnnielow
    Johnnielow Posts: 35 Member
    Johnnielow wrote: »
    Can someone tell my how to add friends here, I have no clue.

    Click on a person's Username (to the left/below picture), then click their Username (on the right/of the picture); on the card that appears. Then click "Add As Friend"! You can type a message about, why you want to; be their friend & they can choose, to accept or deny, your request. Many won't accept, a friend request; without a message.

    Thank you! Appreciate it very much.

  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    You're welcome!
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    John, how does your family eat? Are there low hanging fruit choices to remove, such as chips?

    I have made it my mission to have a healthy, home cooked meal every night, and that helps me. Having whole foods, like apples, oranges, bananas and grapes available.

    Today's lunch was roasted pitatoes, eggs and broccoli cuz I had nothing on the fridge.

    Going this way with the cooking gas really helped me out.