Help to lose

Can anyone please help I've been doing MFP now on And off for about 2years I'm find it really hard to lose I'm on 1200 cal a day I don't always eat all my allowance is this where I'm going wrong if I eat more I put on Help.


  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm in the same age group as you and also on 1200 cals a day. Are you weighing all your solids and semi-solids on a digital scale? Have you lost any weight at all? Do you do any exercise?
  • sandracreynolds
    sandracreynolds Posts: 30 Member
    Yes I weigh everything on digital scales I've lost 2lb and I can weigh myself the next day and put on 1/2 lb not doing exercise because of a bad back
  • sandracreynolds
    sandracreynolds Posts: 30 Member
    Have you lost any weight
  • saadagio
    saadagio Posts: 23 Member
    Gee, I am glad I am not alone on this problem. I am the same way, I been doing MFP for years and I was put on a 1,100 calorie intake from my doctor and I work out 5 days a week and all I do is gain. I would love lose the weight with out taking diet pills. I do measure all my food intake. I do not eat my allowance calories cause I am not hungry for them. Any advice would be grateful.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate every day which is why I only weigh once a week, first thing in the morning after going to the loo. How long has it taken you to lose the 2lbs?

    I also have a back problem but can do a bit on an exercise bike and walk. Even slow walking is good exercise.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    I have been on 1200 calories a day since last September and have lost 33lbs so far. Averaging 1lb per week. I'm 67 and only 5ft.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    saadagio wrote: »
    Gee, I am glad I am not alone on this problem. I am the same way, I been doing MFP for years and I was put on a 1,100 calorie intake from my doctor and I work out 5 days a week and all I do is gain. I would love lose the weight with out taking diet pills. I do measure all my food intake. I do not eat my allowance calories cause I am not hungry for them. Any advice would be grateful.

    If you have a calorie deficit of 250 a day you should lose 1/2lb a week - 500 a day calorie deficit = 1lb loss . If you are not losing over a longish time it will either be that you are eating more than you think or there's a medical reason [eg thyroid problem].

  • sandracreynolds
    sandracreynolds Posts: 30 Member
    It's taken me about 3weeks perhaps we could be MFP buddies I will have to get on my bike ( exercise )that is I need to lose this weight could you friend me and then you could look at my food dairy
  • sandracreynolds
    sandracreynolds Posts: 30 Member
    Forgot to ask do you eat all your allowance
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    Yes of course, send me a request and I'll accept straight away :) . My diary is open to friends and I'm English [living in South Wales] so our foods will be familiar to each other.

    I sometimes leave some calories and sometimes go to the wire.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Weight loss is slow and you have to be patient, consistent and have realistic expectations. On and off is not going to make much of a difference, it will only make lots of frustration. Your weight (everything contained by your skin, including food and water) fluctuates quite a bit from day to day even when you are losing weight (fat) consistently. Normal fluctuations from one day to the next can be up to 2 pounds - 1/2 pound is nothing.

    Unless you are very small and very sedate, 1200 calories will be too little food, and some of the reason you find it hard to lose. Go to your settings. Tell MFP that you want to lose weight, but no more than 1% of your body weight per week. Eat the amount of calories MFP tells you every day. Weigh everything you eat/drink except water and log it in your diary. Make sure you are using correct entries of all foods, there are lots of inaccurate items in the database. Do that until your loss starts to slow down. Then set your weight loss goal again; you will be lighter and have less to lose, so it will be a smaller loss per week.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    So if I've read everything correctly, you've lost 2 pounds in the last 3 weeks? You're doing fine. If you are measuring your intake accurately (using digital scale etc) and you are maintaining a deficit you will lose. Remember that weight loss is not linear, and your weight can and will fluctuate daily due to water gain from sodium etc. Depending on how much you have to lose overall, your 1200 calorie goal may be too aggressive. If you have less than 25 pounds to lose and if you are shorter (as per your photo you seem to appear around the 5'2" mark??), reset your goals to 1/2 pound per week to lose. It will be slower, but it will come.
  • sandracreynolds
    sandracreynolds Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you I will try this I am so frustrated