

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hear if you eat an entire container of Metamucil and a drink a gallon of water, you'll get a good colon cleanse.

    Just be sure you don't have one of the newer 1.3 gallon water-saver toilets. You're gonna need a 5 gallon turbo flush after that!
  • leyna6388
    leyna6388 Posts: 22
    the fat flush diet is fabulous! it's an initial 2 week detox where you cut out dairy (except for whey protein), most starches, and alcohol. eat lots of veggies, some fruits, and drink lots of water! they have a cran water mix, which is a quarter cup of pure, no sugar added cranberry juice added to 64oz of water that you drink everyday. It is low cal... about 1000-1200 a day, but you dont feel too starved. You should look it up, it has done wonders!
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    There's a lot of great ideas here! I prefer the natural methods as well. Good luck on your cleanse. Let us know what you decide and how its going.
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    I like to detox on the weekends. I eat fruit for breakfast.....and threwout the day I fast on fruit juice, green tea, and tea;. and I do have a drop of milk in my tea, that's soya milk. because I have such a problem skin with breakouts all the time and quite inflamed; I find that within a single weekend of fasting, my skin is crystal clear!
  • Marciep23
    Marciep23 Posts: 1
    I did a colon cleanse for 2 weeks that is called "The Fat Flush Diet"
    It is very gross but it cleansed my colon like you cannot believe. I lost 10 lbs in that 2 weeks and it was all water and god knows what that was stuck inside of me.... Most important is to make sure you drink a lot of water. Water is a natural cleanser and is ultimately the healthiest and safest (especially during your cleanse you must keep hydrated). If you do decide to do "The Fat Flush" do not do it more than two weeks! After you have completed the cleanse, keeping up on your diet is what will help you keep the lbs off.
    Just google "The Fat Flush Diet" and it will give you all the info... Borders also carries the book!

    It'll be tough but it's worth it!
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