Lets Get 'er DONE! Focusing 4 months at a time...

ElaKuz Posts: 49
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Ella, and I just joined today!
I am surrounding myself with as many resources as I can find to get me through the next four months as I focus on losing 40 pounds for a friends wedding.
I know... life is not about an event... but there is more to this goal than just the event... I don't want that day to be about me feeling ucncomfortable in the dress... I don't want that day to be about another wasted summer or another failed attempt.
I want that day to be about my friends happiness...
Oh, and I want to look KILLER in the bridemaid gown as my ex boyfriend looks on.
This is just to start my journey (it will be a long one) and the future goal weight break down into reasonable amounts based on a smaller frame...
Starting weight is 260lbs
4 mo 40 lbs
4 mo 30 lbs
4 mo 20 lbs

I look forward to getting to know all of you better !


  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Ella...welcome to MFP. I've been here since Dec 2010 and its been a very helpful site for me. I see that you are tackling your weight in small amounts. I am also doing the same thing...I have 127 pounds to lose and I needed a way to manage all that without becoming overwhelmed, so I am focusing on losing 25lbs every 10-12 weeks. Its all about changing lifestyle and not dieting! I wish you luck in your journey...feel free to friend me! Motivation is the KEY!
  • lrc9crl
    lrc9crl Posts: 1
    Hi Ella,
    I read your introduction and had to reply. :) We are facing a few common battles right now.... weight loss and weddings. I am also standing up in a wedding, its in november and I am no where near dress ready. This past weekend all the bridesmaids went to try to find a dress, and there is nothing like trying on dresses with other women that are a size 2 to make you feel self concious and frustrated. I like your idea to split it in 4 months at a time, since my friends wedding is in five months I will be right a long with you. :) BTW i like your added motivation to stick it to your ex, there will be old friends from highschool at this wedding that i would like to stick it to also. lol. I know I need to lose weight for myself too, and that should be my main focus, but getting to rub it in others face is also good motivation. Good luck, I will be rooting for ya!! :)

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