how to stop binge eating ???

Binge eating is so anoying, I can eat really healthy and feel great but if i have the the smallest amount of sugar food or comfort food i have to eat it all, i cant just eat a little bit, then after eating it all im not motivated again for a few days and continue eating poorly, does anyone have any suggestions to avoid this? Its frustrating!!!


  • jrp31
    jrp31 Posts: 47 Member
    You've just got to use self-control and stop yourself. there's no magic bullet.
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    lol, I don't have any sugestion, I have exactly the same problem, you not alone!
  • hollywoodcera
    hollywoodcera Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know how to stop from doing it but when you find out the answer let me know!
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    You've just got to use self-control and stop yourself. there's no magic bullet.

    What she said. Personal responsibility is key.
  • indigolafaye
    Your not alone! I find that if I've had a bad day I tend to say 'Sod it' to the rest of the week. Though hoping watching my cals on here will now help me to see each day as a fresh start instead of each week!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Um yeah! Totally did that today!!! Its called self control-we just need to get some
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I avoid having my trigger items in the house. That way they aren't there to eat. IF I have something that I know will trigger eating way more than I should I only buy what is appropriate to eat, or toss out the rest right away.

    Mostly I've learned that I just need to stay away from sugary items and I feel better plus I don't crave them after I'm off them for awhile.
  • bob_t
    bob_t Posts: 12
    Don't buy it. If it's not in the house, you won't eat it.

    Or give you're self one day to cheat (guilt free) and eat your comfort food. If you're thinking long-term, a day of "cheating" once a week won't make a huge difference.
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    I have the same probem I can do awesome for like 2 weeks.. then BAM!!! The binge.. and 3 days of crap food no motivation and hating myself.....
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm the same way. Just keep at it. After 3-4 good days it gets way easier. Find ways to stay motivated and accountable. This site is really good for that. Make your food diary public if it isn't already and record everything you eat. Make sure you are eating enough because if you aren't it makes you way more likely to binge. When you eat something bad don't decide that you ruined your diet and then just keep eating for the rest of the day. You could possible take a cheat day every few weeks so you have that to look forward to.
  • nberdetta
    nberdetta Posts: 1
    You might be restricting yourself too much throughout the day. I know if I restrict too many calories during the day, my body craves food to an uncontrollable point and I end up binge eating too... Even if I only mean to have a bite of something to satisfy a craving- it ends up as a complete binge of everything in sight...
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Just stop. There is no magic pill or anything else. Get control of yourself and stop.
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Making my food diary public helped me to think twice about stuffing food in my face that I don't want anyone to know about. Just gotta stick to the food diary and it works. Easier said than done, I know, but "what we eat in private, we wear in public."
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    This has been a problem for me since I was 9. They only way to get a grip on it is to make sure I do not have those sorts of foods in my house. It does not stop a binge, but at least when I do binge, I am eating better foods.

    Also, find out what the underlying meaning is. Personally mine is anxiety, depression, PTSD and getting help with those helped the binge eating a great deal.

    Usually binge eating is in combination with a mental health situation, others might just tell you to stop overeating. I can tell everyone it is a real problem.

    I have found another thing that helps is to take the dogs for a walk when I feel a binge coming on or find something that keeps my hands busy. I am a writer, so I do a lot of that. Pays the bills a lot quicker!
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I have 'trigger foods' - foods that say, once I start eating them, 'it's ok. just one more cookie. you can exercise it off later. and you've been doing sooooo good.'

    and then, of course, after a sugar crash, there's NO WAY i'm going exercise it off ... and i'm left hungry so I'm looking for more of the trigger type foods, and on and on it goes.

    the best advice i have for you is to know your trigger foods, and avoid them entirely. I can't have baked goodies - cakes, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc. I just can't have them in my house. I will have them when I am out and about, count them in my calories, limit myself to one serving. But I just NEVER bring them home anymore.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    maybe something that zaps us when we go to take a bite of sweets/chips, etc. , like the collars used for training dogs not to bark, lol
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    "what we eat in private, we wear in public."

    I like this
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    It is all mental. Ever heard of the term ‘mind over matter’, it is very true and works the same with food. I think hearing it out loud helps, so try telling yourself “NO, you know how you will feel after eating this”, or tell yourself “I will only have 3 pieces, I am taking out only three pieces and I will only eat three pieces” talk yourself through it while you take out the portion you want and then PUT IT AWAY. Place the item in a cupboard if you have to. You should feel EMPOWERED when you say no to something!

    Good Luck!
  • nikmaack
    nikmaack Posts: 28 Member
    I eat 5 or 6 small meals all day long. This provides the same comfort of binge eating, but stretched out over time. If you plan your day of eating in advance, it's easy. Measure out a bag of nuts, carrot sticks, apple slices, granola bars, protein bars or shakes, fruit cups, etc. A nice variety is best.

    If you're always eating, you always feel comforted and calm. It's the emotionally positive way to binge. :smile:

    You can even do this with junk food. As long as its portioned properly, and stays within your calorie "budget", you're good to go.

    It's funny -- I've lost 90 pounds in just over a year. Someone saw all the food on my desk at work and said, "If you keep eating like that, you're going to get fat!"

    I got to tell her that, in reality, it was eating that way that allowed me to lose weight.

    Another trick is gum. Want to taste something or eat something? Pop a stick of gum in your mouth. It will get you next to your next little meal.

    Ditto with herbal teas. Zero calories, but fills you up -- and bonus, keeps you hydrated. I use Stevia as a sweetener -- zero calories, super sweet.

    Another tip that might help: I put EVERYTHING that I eat into MFP. No exceptions. This often results in the following discussion in my head:

    "Do you really want to have to write that one down?"

    It helps if I imagine a stern family doctor having access to my diary. :)

    Hope all of this helps. :happy:

  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I had this problem.... and after about four months of trying, failing and getting back up and trying some more, I am perfectly happy with having a bad day sweets wise(dessert is my down fall) and then I get right back up the next day and work out extra hard and eat right....

    ... its all a learning process and you are going to try and fail and try and fail and try and fail... but pretty soon the fails wont be 3 days, or a week or even a whole day... you will get the hang of it!