Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In February 3

Happy Sunday! How's everyone's weekend? Hopefully full of exercise, healthy eating, AND fun! Make sure to take time to recharge yourself for the week ahead!

I'm sad to say I had a second day in a row with no exercise. My ankle is still killing me and I just decided to curl up with hubby to watch movies last night. After my 2 weeks of dedicated exercise I suppose it's not so bad to give my body a little break. Little is the key word though. Two days is more than plenty and I hope to get back in the swing of things today. My chart is looking pretty bare - only 1 water sticker. I plan to change that starting today! I did change my picture to show you the new sized medium shirt I got! In my profile you can see it with the 12 petite jeans I got for Christmas that I couldn't quite wear at the time. So, even though my weight isn't really moving my body shape must be. :happy:

+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:

ps Jackiexoxo ~
"I was just reading all the the post and i was wondering what chart you all are talking about?
can anyone help me?"
The chart was just something I came up with to have a visual reminder/motivator to get things done. There are 3 goals down the side and the dates across the top. Each goal that I meet each day I put a sticker on my chart to show I got it done. Then at the end of the week if I've filled my chart then I reward myself with a new piece of clothing! A few others in our Fitness Challenge have adopted the idea as well. It has worked pretty well for me (except this week, that is :ohwell: )! You can choose whatever goals are ones you feel you need to work on. Exercising, water consumption, taking vitamins, staying within your calories, eating more vegetables... you decide! Good luck Jackie!

ps ariannedavis ~ Looking good in that bikini! You go girl!
ps viviakay ~ Keep up with that studying! YOU CAN DO IT!
ps marywilldiet ~ Enjoy your shopping and GREAT weather! You lucky duck!
ps mechanicmom ~ Feel better! And, WAY TO GO on meeting your goal! Have a FUN trip!
ps JulieB21 ~ Enjoy the Super Bowl today! You are doing a SUPER job!


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Happy Sunday! How's everyone's weekend? Hopefully full of exercise, healthy eating, AND fun! Make sure to take time to recharge yourself for the week ahead!

    I'm sad to say I had a second day in a row with no exercise. My ankle is still killing me and I just decided to curl up with hubby to watch movies last night. After my 2 weeks of dedicated exercise I suppose it's not so bad to give my body a little break. Little is the key word though. Two days is more than plenty and I hope to get back in the swing of things today. My chart is looking pretty bare - only 1 water sticker. I plan to change that starting today! I did change my picture to show you the new sized medium shirt I got! In my profile you can see it with the 12 petite jeans I got for Christmas that I couldn't quite wear at the time. So, even though my weight isn't really moving my body shape must be. :happy:

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:

    ps Jackiexoxo ~
    "I was just reading all the the post and i was wondering what chart you all are talking about?
    can anyone help me?"
    The chart was just something I came up with to have a visual reminder/motivator to get things done. There are 3 goals down the side and the dates across the top. Each goal that I meet each day I put a sticker on my chart to show I got it done. Then at the end of the week if I've filled my chart then I reward myself with a new piece of clothing! A few others in our Fitness Challenge have adopted the idea as well. It has worked pretty well for me (except this week, that is :ohwell: )! You can choose whatever goals are ones you feel you need to work on. Exercising, water consumption, taking vitamins, staying within your calories, eating more vegetables... you decide! Good luck Jackie!

    ps ariannedavis ~ Looking good in that bikini! You go girl!
    ps viviakay ~ Keep up with that studying! YOU CAN DO IT!
    ps marywilldiet ~ Enjoy your shopping and GREAT weather! You lucky duck!
    ps mechanicmom ~ Feel better! And, WAY TO GO on meeting your goal! Have a FUN trip!
    ps JulieB21 ~ Enjoy the Super Bowl today! You are doing a SUPER job!
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    weight loss has stopped for now :grumble: will have to regroup and figure it out
    start weight 215
    current 204
    goal 199.....its going to be very close. very close.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Niccole - you look great in your new picture :happy:

    Yesterday I went on a 5 mile walk with hubby here in North Texas, we're heading back home today. Weigh in is tomorrow, hopefully southern food hasn't struck...
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Wow Niccole, your pics have changed so much and you look great! Yes I am still here and I seem to be the last one posting lately. I just don't get to the computer as much. I have lost some more but my exercise routine is not what I want it to be. Today I will have my family up as we are watching the superbowl and celebrating my birthday a day early so I anticipate no exercise today of any kind except cooking. Oh well it will give my back some more rest so I can do some gentle stretching starting tomorrow. You guys are all doing so well I am so proud of all of you!
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Good Sunday morning ladies! First, let me say, Niccole, that you look amazing in your new pic! I hope your ankle is better soon.

    I am really looking forward to watching the game tonight. Went out & bought Hubby & I new 'GIANTS" shirts and got myself a new pair of jeans. I'm also looking forward to NOT cooking today. I did Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's for my family of 12 plus so it's time for someone else to cook for me!

    I rode my stationary bike for 15 miles so that I don't have to feel so guilty about enjoying myself later. Good thing I'm gonna get to watch sitting down! GO GIANTS:wink:
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Had really good intentions lately despite being anemic did elliptical fri sat for 40 mins plus I allways go out with the dogs for a good 1 hr pushing the kids in the pram up and down some pretty steep hills flagged a bit today got up with a stiff neck when I got on the elliptical everytime I tried to give it some I had sharp twinges in my neck so couldn't (I really couldn't) do 40 mins but managed 30 better than nothing. Diet going well so far lost 12 lbs and starting to feel comfortable in some of my jeans it will be about another 10lbs before I can get into my new jeans but I'm going to do it.

    Tomorrow will be 45 mins core fitness training dvd and a walk I hope it isn't as windy we have been having winds up to 120kph not much fun to walk in.

    I am hoping for a good week 1 1/2 weeks to go and I need to lose 6lbs I am going to have a really good week :love: :love: :love:

    I have had a break through with my hubby and kids they are really starting to enjoy the new healthy food that I am cooking which makes my life easier I don't have to cook two lots of meals each nite tonite will be roast chicken with roast potatoes and fresh peas with only a sprinkle of olive oil and some sea salt to make them crispy it smells delicious and I know the kids will love it.

    Hears to a gr8 week everybody. :drinker:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Doing better today. Still weak. My exercise is to go to Walmart and try to finish up my shopping. Hopefully I'll make it through the store this time! I don't have to get much but my legs don't want to go far! My sone and Hubby are better too so I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Happy exercising!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Niccole, what a smile. All your positive thoughts are showing.:wink: You look ten years younger than your first picture!

    Today is yoga (60 minutes of stretching/flexibility with a nice long relaxation session at the end)

    I got a perfect score on my chart yesterday. I even got fired up enough about study hour to keep reading after the timer went off. A good sign.

    Hope everyone is soon over their injuries and illnesses! Spring is coming!:flowerforyou:
  • ltsoccermom
    Hey Everyone!

    I have been pretty good all week either doing my dance X dvd and riding on the weekends. No time for the gym this week but I still got in 5 days of cardo so I'm thrilled. I had a tough time early in the week with stress from work but this weekend we had weather in the 70's and sunny again so I went riding. Yesterday I rode 12 killer miles and the team thinks it is an easy ride. ha for most but those of us hauling an extra body up the hill I felt EVERY LAST mile. I wanted to get 15-20 in but 12 was it for yesterday on the veloway for the first time.

    Today I broke all records!!! The legs were really hurting and felt the burn today. I did 15.5 miles today and my average speed is getting better with each time I go out. The first week I was 7 miles per hour average and last week I was 11 as well as yesterday. But today back on familiar ground I rode hard and got my average mies per hour up to 15.4. Yeah!!!!!!!

    I'm taking my dance dvd with me to DC so I will weigh in when I get home. I am hoping for a loss on the scale when I return. I don't want to be tempted by over eating and not exercising. I will let you know through week how I do.

  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    60 min on gazelle... I am using today as my junk day. I went out to breakfast with my family and probably already ate my daily allowance! :noway:

    Our friends are making chili for the game, so one bowl with my taco dip (I won't dig down into the cream cheese layer; I promise I'll stop at the beans!) and I'll only be a bit over for the day.

    Niccole, there is no way those are 12s! You carry them like an 8 :wink: