Looking for some extra support for the next few days

Hey there! So the next few days I know that I'm going to struggle with my diet ... I am a nurse and work nights this week. I do great about getting to the gym and eating healthy when I work days, but on the night shift I get so tired and just crave sweets to help me stay awake... I'll be at work tonight, Su Mon Tues. Just need to get through these next few nights without compromising my plan. Anyone have any advice?


  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm Hi! I'm a nurse too, nights are hard! There's always so much junk food at work so I pack in advance. Two snacks and two meals for a twelve. Also, a BIG thermos of black tea with stevia and soy milk helps because it's cold at night and satisfies the sweet tooth. I sip on that while charting. Berries, peppers,and oranges help with the sugar cravings due to tiredness. If I'm working a three in a row, I make three days worth of food and pack it all up. I eat every four hours. Its become a major part of my work preparation. I find I feel less anxiety and stress when I kno something good and ok to eat is waiting for me I'm the break room. Finding time to get in there however...... Haha!
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Agree with the post above!
    Bring tons of healthy snacks to eat so you don't crave sugar!
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    Well, while sugar isn't my issue, pizza is, though I haven't touched it in 50 days.

    One thing I do whenever I get the urge for pizza is plug it into MFP and just think about all those calroies/fat and how my body will try to use that.

    It almost makes me sick looking at those numbers, and makes it a lot easier to gobble up some veggies or other healthy foods.

    Hang in there. My woman is a nurse and going back to nights this week as well. Good luck.
  • Marg672
    Marg672 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been on nights for about 7 years as an RN what helps me most is bringing my own food and snacks. This past week I was fine with my scheduled 3 in a row but ended up being called in for a fourth night.... that night I had not had any food prepared so the cheesecake from the night before won me over, another nurse had left resees eggs at the desk and just the other junk food.

    I would definitely say bring plenty of healthy stuff and drink lots of water.