Sweets Addict!

flamingo99 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I'm new to MFP & have started seeing a nutritionist who highly recommended this site & iPhone app. I told her that I was a huge fan of baked goods--cupcakes, cookies, snack cakes, etc. My problem is, I crave them all the time. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to eat instead of these when I have a craving? I know I need to cut them out totally and only do them on occasion, however I am looking for alternatives. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    I too am an addict. Fruit just doesn't do it for me. I can survive most of the day, then come evening time, I just want sweets and crisps.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Gum. Some days I chew so much, my jaw feels like it will fall off, but it keeps me from the office sweets.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I get fat free puddings, 100 calorie snack packs, Reduced fat Oreos, Carnation sugar free chocolate breakfast drink, bite sized chocolates, yogurt with granola or fresh fruit. These are some things I use for my cheats.
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Moderation will be your new best friend! You can have those things, just not too much. Plus baking your own sweets will let you be in control of your portions and what goes in them. There are tons of recipes that let you make low-cal deserts.
    Try this site- http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ you can search what you're craving and it'll tell you how many calories are in the recipe(:
  • Baked Classics Vanilla Frosting Snack Chips.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Gum is a good idea, or you can replace the sweets with artificial sweetener or sugar free stuff.... oooorrrr you can eat fruit, nuts, vegetables (like corn or sweet potatoes) ..... or you can treat yourself but not too much! ^ 3^ All it takes is moderation!
  • I too love evening chips! I work till 8pm at night and got into a bad routine of tv and bag of chips when I got home at night.:drinker: Now I end my eating at 6pm...when a get an evening craving I drink a can of diet Pepsi with lotsa ice or a Pepsi max...I know that stuff is not the greatest for you, but there is no calories and my body thinks it is getting "sweets"...seems to work so far.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I have a banana nut muffin almost everyday, but I cut it in half and save part of it for later. The 100-cal snack packs are good too. I had the Fudge Shoppe mini brownies this morning.
  • mdanae87
    mdanae87 Posts: 19 Member
    you sound like me. lol im having a tough time without my cake and any baked goodness. so far i just try to trade them for fruit or if i need extra sweetness i put fat free cool whip on. i also bought some frozen yogurt and 100 calorie popsicles to try and stay away from my beloved baked breads. its not the same but so far ive been doing okay and i just started. today is day 5 of eating healthier
  • AshleyPic
    AshleyPic Posts: 13 Member
    I am totally on the same page! Here are some of my solutions:

    I eat these yogurts called "Wallaby Organic" and they come in really yummy flavors - Dark Chocolate, strawberries and cream, apple caramel, etc... And normally I don't like yogurt because it is too tart, but this is really creamy and sweet. It is sometimes even too sweet for me to finish, but it works great for a sweet tooth craving. I think the highest calorie one is the chocolate one and it is 190 calories. (you can see the different flavors in my diary)

    Also - I bought these Fiber 1 90 calorie brownies. Not only are they suprisingly moist and delicious, but they also only have 90 calories and have 20% of your daily fiber.

    For salty things - my cheats are popcorn and goldfish crackers. A serving of goldfish, which is 55 crackers (which is more then you think!) is only 140 calories. And if you invest in an air popper for popcorn you can make a really healthy snack.

    My final suggestion would be that if you have a craving, try not to indulge right away. Wait a few days... if after a week or more you still can't stop thinking about it, indulge yourself a little bit. Last week I had been craving chocolate ice cream for days and days, so finally I indulged a bit and got a kiddie size with fresh strawberries and it was great!

    I hope this helps! Good Luck!
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