
My name is Tricia, I'm 37 years old and looking to put a stop to this struggle with my weight. I know I can do it this time around!!!! Really looking forward to talking to new people, getting suggestions, and support as well as supporting others as well!!!! Hope to hear from as many people as possible to start this positive journey with!:smile:


  • JadazV
    JadazV Posts: 26
    Welcome Tricia. This is a good place to hang around with like-minded people. Tons of menus and help. Good luck!
  • LuvingLife
    LuvingLife Posts: 29
    I'm with ya, Tricia!!
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Welcome to MFP, its a fab site for support and motivation. Feel free to add me amanda xx
  • dpetre
    dpetre Posts: 22
    Welcome! You can add me if you want. Good luck!
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    welcome! we're here for ya! add me if youd like :)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome! You can add me too if u like :flowerforyou:
    MFP works! And when i've taken a break from it i see the scale stall, so stick w/it on here, eat healthy and not just under your calories, excercise some too, and you'll do great!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    We are here for you! Feel free to add me is you need more friends... Looking at all the progress and hard work people put into this is very motivating...
  • kimphillips36
    I'm here to support and motivate you on your weight loss journey!! Would love to be MFP friends!!