Tell me what im doing wrong.

Im just stumped i cant lose weight. Feeling at my wits end..
When i eat salad i put my homemade salsa on it not even dressing..
No chips..
I eat tricsuit but limit those too. When i want a snack i eat tons of carrots and celery.
I usually do quest protein shake mixed in water for bfast lunch is like half a bar and maybe boiled eggs or salad plain..
Dinner is meat and tons of salad. Im always hungry. Always. I struggle so much. Iwork out in the morning, fitness blender, i run a mile at lunch and when my kids get home we run a lap together. The circlw around my subdivision. I cant even go regularlar to the restroom...always constipated bloated and weight wont budge...what is wrong.


  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    How long have you been at it, what are your stats and what are your goals?
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    If you're always hungry you're not eating enough calories. If you can't go to the bathroom you're not eating enough fiber or drinking enough water. Eating like a rabbit is not the answer. Eat with better nutrition in mind. That means hitting macros AND micros.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    How many calories are you taking in a day? And how do you know you're hitting that calorie goal? Do you use a food scale to weigh and measure all your food to hit that calorie goal?
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    Your goal is 3lbs. That means you must be close to where you want to be. Things get more difficult at that point. Maybe try opening your diary so we can see what you're adding.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    When you've got very little to lose, that's when you have to be very precise with your logging. Do you have a food scale? If not, get one, and weigh all your food. Don't just rely on measuring cups and spoons. That will bring you as close to accurate on your calorie counting.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    It's hard to say without numbers, but if your profile picture and the ticker on your profile are current, you appear to be well within if not on the low end of normal weight for your size, with three pounds you want to lose.

    Your margin for error when you're looking to lose tiny amounts of weight while already small is razor-thin. And the amount of weight you want to lose- 3 pounds- is well within the normal fluctuation of an adult's body weight- you could "gain" or "lose" three pounds from fluid or waste retention (which it sounds like you're struggling with).

    If your diet reported here is accurate, it's possible you're eating at maintenance calories, but hungry because you're missing key nutrients (where is the fat? You do need fat in your diet, even when losing weight). It's also possible you're starving yourself day to day and then overeating periodically, enough to wipe out the deficit you're creating.

    It's also very possible that even losing the 3 pounds you want to won't create whatever physical change you're seeking, and you might do better to look in to recomposition techniques, which will change your appearance more than trying to lose three pounds, and would let you eat more and not be miserable, to boot.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Options 3 lbs all you have left til goal? I agree with the above poster, that it's harder the closer you are to your goal.

    Because of that, it's more important than ever that your logging be tight as a drum. Do you weigh all of your food? Measure liquids? Log everything?
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Just opened my diary..also i was put on progesterone a month ago...hormone issues. I have tried IFasting but that really made my hormones worse and i stopped having cycles. Gained weight all back
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Just opened my diary..also i was put on progesterone a month ago...hormone issues. I have tried IFasting but that really made my hormones worse and i stopped having cycles. Gained weight all back

    The first thing I see is what appear to be a lot of half logged days. And then there is at least one whole day a week not logged at all.

    I'd start logging everything, everyday and then re-evaluate.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Just opened my diary..also i was put on progesterone a month ago...hormone issues. I have tried IFasting but that really made my hormones worse and i stopped having cycles. Gained weight all back

    The first thing I see is what appear to be a lot of half logged days. And then there is at least one whole day a week not logged at all.

    I'd start logging everything, everyday and then re-evaluate.

    And a lot of things are measured in "cups" or as "one serving". Use a food scale for everything, even packaged foods like Triscuits.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just a couple of things I noticed from your food diary. Starbucks is really high in calories, so if it was me, I would limit drinking those. Just have regular home brewed coffee with a sweetener (like Truvia). Sausage has alot of salt in it, so when I fix that I usually take the U of the sausage and weigh and cut 1 oz segments. I use the sausage (most always for me its turkey sausage kelbasa) for flavoring my veggies with. I would eat more veggies and less snack foods like the oreos, the triscuits. More nuts, and things to help with cravings. Otherwise you are pretty good.:-) More veggies!
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Just a couple of things I noticed from your food diary. Starbucks is really high in calories, so if it was me, I would limit drinking those. Just have regular home brewed coffee with a sweetener (like Truvia). Sausage has alot of salt in it, so when I fix that I usually take the U of the sausage and weigh and cut 1 oz segments. I use the sausage (most always for me its turkey sausage kelbasa) for flavoring my veggies with. I would eat more veggies and less snack foods like the oreos, the triscuits. More nuts, and things to help with cravings. Otherwise you are pretty good.:-) More veggies! far as starbucks i get a grande red eye thats i coffee with a shot a splash of heavy cream and splenda. I do NO lattes. I know how to watch all of that... i even measure if i eat a 1/4 of something or the whole box triscuits included
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    You're missing a big percentage of your days and meals, and the meals that are logged are logged in volumetric measurements, not by weight. This is not a very accurate way to log- volume measurement-based caloric estimate can be off by as much as 50% or more, depending on the food.

    It's easy for those unlogged days and volume measurements to add up to hundreds of calories that will wipe out your target deficit, which, as I mentioned before, is necessarily very small at your size to avoid ravenous hunger and malnutrition.

    You're also getting very little fiber and eating a lot of salt in highly processed foods. Both of these things could contribute to bloating and constipation, as well as a lack of satiety despite eating more calories than you intend.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    You're missing a big percentage of your days and meals, and the meals that are logged are logged in volumetric measurements, not by weight. This is not a very accurate way to log- volume measurement-based caloric estimate can be off by as much as 50% or more, depending on the food.

    It's easy for those unlogged days and volume measurements to add up to hundreds of calories that will wipe out your target deficit, which, as I mentioned before, is necessarily very small at your size to avoid ravenous hunger and malnutrition.

    You're also getting very little fiber and eating a lot of salt in highly processed foods. Both of these things could contribute to bloating and constipation, as well as a lack of satiety despite eating more calories than you intend.

    If you only saw todays post yes! I ate terrible today
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Wednesday february 17th is the regulat way i eat... i have had my daughters sleep over so wasnt mych on track my hubby just threw stuff on the grill and we relaxed....
    I workout everyday
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    A Red Eye is regular coffee (iced or hot) with a single shot of espresso added in. Coffee is pretty low calorie by itself. A shot of espresso is only like 5 calories, but add-ons of heavy cream to a grande coffee is 70 calories.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited February 2016
    You are eating more calories than you think
    Tighten up your logging

    Look at this short video and see what not weighing certain foods can do. ( hundreds of calories difference)

    It is really important with a small deficit and the leaner you are to be accurate. Or otherwise cut more in your daily calorie allowance.
    Looking at your diary it seems you are not weighing everything and like others said half days logged. So it looks inaccurate.

  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    45.. i add it myself..they put ut in a small cup... i knoww. I am very careful @Annr
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yep I was surprised how a food items' weight changed by what it said on a container to what it said on my scale.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Totally agree..