Looking for that girl or guy like me!! I want to lose these extra 20 pounds now going forward!!

MalkienChrysantheum Posts: 14 Member
edited February 2016 in Getting Started
So here are my stats: I'm just over 5'2", I am between 130-132 pounds and just under 29 percent bodyfat. I've always wanted athletic body-fat percentage of at most 18 percent and stay there year-round. To compete in bodybuilding, I would like to get down to 14-15 percent at most for seasonal shaping. In the meantime, I want to see how I feel at 18 percent and then be gung-ho about competing on stage. I've fluctuated throughout my teens and twenties, but I am sick of it. I'm sick of feeling or looking just good enough to take off my clothes in good dim lighting, LOL, and I want to finally be free of being self-conscious of my extra flab and cellulite that I know mostly smooths out as my body fat drops.

Here surprisingly what has NOT worked for me in the past despite the advice of fitness enthusiasts:

1.) See how your body is in fitted clothes and don't pay attention to the scale. I somehow manage to fit into my fitted polyester shirts and skinny jeans just fine +/- up to 10 pounds of fluctuation (yes, same measurements in the morning, with no food and after going to the bathroom and in the same kind of clothes and not on my period). My fat seems to distribute so evenly on my body that I don't notice weight gain this way until it is past the 12 pound mark or so, which is already enough to cause frustration as that takes a couple months to lose that again if I'm going at a moderate pace! If I don't pay attention to the scale, I let go without knowing.

2.) See how your body looks in the mirror at the same time, same day, etc. Okay, I play some serious mental gymnastics and can think I look like a VS model standing straight and twisting my body when I look more like Jabba the Hut if I hunch over... Oh, and if the sunlight is kind decides to play around the clouds to hit my physique at the right angles, even better.


  • MalkienChrysantheum
    MalkienChrysantheum Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2016
    Does anyone with similar weight loss goals want to be my text diet buddy? and Skype occasionally? I've got my workouts down, but my diet needs a lot of work and is hella more important. We can count calories together, persuade each other to turn the other way when offered junk, tell each other our problems, etc.!
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    I have 40 to lose; the first 20 and then the second 20 to be where you're aiming for. Health issues that I am currently working though are what had caused the first 20 that I have to lose to accumulate. We can work at it all together, add me if you would like.

  • yamaha2183
    yamaha2183 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm down 10 and 40 to go, you seen to have similar goals to mine like yourself my weight has gone up n down thorough out my teens and twenties anyways feel free to add me up im fairly new here.