Hello from the UK!

Hi all

I've rejoined MFP after a year of not tracking what I eat at all. I moved in with my partner and we basically ate the same thing, same portion sizes etc so I've out on some weight!

I don't have much to lose, I'm 28yrs old, female and 141lbs. Aiming to get to 126lbs as a start, and see how I feel then. This time last year I was able to fit into some lovely size 10 (uk size) skinny jeans which now don't make it over my thighs! I'm the next size up and I'll be happy when I'm back in those!

I would say I am sedentary, office job, walk our dog a few times a week (partner does it on the times I don't), no real exercise as of right now, but eventually looking to do some more.

I put an initial weight loss of 2lbs per week and MFP gave me 1200cals. I switched the goal to 1lb per week, 0.5lbs per week and all of them give me only 1200 a day. Does that sound about right?

I loved this forum first time round, it was a really great motivator and I can't wait to get stuck in again!
