Feeling insecure

Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
Does anyone else feel insecure about the size that they are or just me?

I've had two children and most of my friends havnt had any at all, I never want to go to spa days or holidays because I feel awful in myself all the time and have nobody to talk to about it


  • rxguy9
    rxguy9 Posts: 129 Member
    U look great
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    rxguy9 wrote: »
    U look great

    Thankyou, cheered me up a little! :smile:
  • CelinaaXo
    CelinaaXo Posts: 22 Member
    It's normal fo everyone to have some sort of an insecurity. I love my body but want to fine tune things. But dont let those stop you from enjoying a nice holiday away ! ;)
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    CelinaaXo wrote: »
    It's normal fo everyone to have some sort of an insecurity. I love my body but want to fine tune things. But dont let those stop you from enjoying a nice holiday away ! ;)

    I think that's the problem! Before I had children I was in the gym 5 times a week and had a body I was proud of! I love my kids but I don't love the after math of my body :neutral:
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Sometimes you got to fake it till you make it. We are way too hard on ourselves yet we are quick to tell someone else that they need to be more forgiving of themselves.

    Very true, thankyou!
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    You look great to me! Having children alters our body and our spare time we would normally use for ourselves (gym, pampering etc...). Go out and enjoy yourself before you know it time will fly and you'll be left with many regrets.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    It's not just you. I feel insecure all the time. I've lost weight, but my shape hasn't changed, so I don't see myself looking "good".
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    edited February 2016
    You look great to me! Having children alters our body and our spare time we would normally use for ourselves (gym, pampering etc...). Go out and enjoy yourself before you know it time will fly and you'll be left with many regrets.

  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Yeah, a bit. Reflective surfaces are my worst nightmare and I wear hoodies to hide in and some times I won't go into the gym just to avoid the mirrors.
  • _SpookyKitten
    _SpookyKitten Posts: 35 Member
    I am sorry you feel so down. You are absolutely stunning! I can't imagine how someone so classically beautiful would feel so bad about herself! I hope it gets better for you because you have nothing to feel bad about!
    Im not just saying that to be nice. Im never nice not even kind of :)
  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    One of the reasons I decided to get control of my eating and start working out was because on our last vacation (Mexico) I was too uncomfortable to wear a bathing suit.
    While it was a good motivator, it was ridiculous that I missed out on half the fun because I was insecure about my body.
    Please don't be like that! You look beautiful, and nobody else really cares what we look like anyways.
  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member
    I'm pretty sure 95% of people on this site (even the "fit" ones) feel insecure about how they look. It's kinda the curse of living fit. Once you start you can't ever seem to get perfect enough. There's always a "problem" area. I can't see what you look like other than your face, but I'd be willing to bet you are better than you think.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    working out releases your feel better hormones.
  • jenniemdavies1991
    I've just had a baby and have never felt so smeh about my body !! I know exactly how you feel but you look fantastic x ☺️
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I feel insecure every day. I felt insecure when I was a healthy weight..
    it's a horrible feeing and I'm sorry you are feeling this way..

    The bright side, you look absolutely fab.. <3
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    Tryed telling my partner about my insecurities but he's just drove off, you only get one life why do I put myself through this!!
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    He .. drove off..

    red flag...

    OMG.. .if my husband ever drove off when I was talking to him even if it was about one shoe being a slightly different shade than the other, we would have issues and it wouldn't be pretty...

    Lovely Lady.. you deserve the moon and the stars. You need to find it for yourself first, then share it with someone who will sit and listen to you describe it even if he's sitting there looking at it with you..

    First you..
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    the brain is a dick. when i was at my heaviest, i didnt feel that fat. i would look in the mirror and and be like "ok, not bad" sure i would get super uncomfortable on planes and at restaurants, stools and booths especially! but now? 100 pounds lighter? holy crap brain. seriously? you can't look in the mirror and tell yourself great job! you look fantastic? nope. all it says to me "yuck, look at that bulge", or "look and my sagging waddle", i try positive thinking but its one powerful muscle and the hardest one to workout.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Sometimes you got to fake it till you make it. We are way too hard on ourselves yet we are quick to tell someone else that they need to be more forgiving of themselves.

    That being said, I'm my WORST critic and don't see what others see. I can look past all kinds of flaws in others but hard to do it for myself.
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thanks guys! Have more support on here than I do in the real world!