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I am once again attempting to lose weight and keep it off. When I set my mind to it I can lose weight, and reach my goal weight, but I eventually put it all back on. That is where I am now. In the past I have lost to my goal weight going low carb and going low fat. It is so frustrating. I cannot seem to find a way to eat for a lifetime that will keep my weight down. I currently do not eat potatoes, bread, or pasta, but am gaining weight. I love sweets and cannot stay away from them.


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Personally I feel the best way to look at it is not as a diet but a lifestyle change. I have retrained myself on what foods to eat and portion size. For you its sweets, for me its beer & wine. If I increase my running to about 25 miles a week I have room for the beer, below that its weight gain.
  • rebeccabardet
    rebeccabardet Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Cindy, it is such a bummer to have to live with so many restrictions! It's one reason I appreciate just eating a variety of things, and seeing how much they quickly add up, thanks to this app. Don't get discouraged - you're doing fine, and even better than fine - you sound like you continually want to take care of yourself! That's already more than most people accomplish! Try staying close to the daily goals on this site for a few weeks and see how your weight does. Even if you don't lose tremendously, you will certainly have the pleasure of eating foods you have been avoiding, and might even find you're happier in other areas of your life now that you focus less on depriving yourself. good luck, and keep us posted!
  • Hastalabeastababy
    Hastalabeastababy Posts: 34 Member
    Have you tried planning out your meals? I find it really helps me stay on track and gives me an idea of what I can eat. I do eat carbs, but whole grain versions instead. I try to stick to macros of 40/30/30 where somedays my protein is at the 40% macro range and other days my carbs are at 40% macros.

    You may want to look into the portion containers too from 21 day fix plan on Beach body. I'm not a coach and to be honest I was skeptical about them, but I have been doing the Hammer and Chisel program from beach body for the past 2 months (I'm in my 8th week) and it comes with the containers and a guide that tells you how much of each container you should eat per day based on calorie calculations within the book. It has helped me tremendously to stay on track with eating. I have had days where I've slipped, but I am starting to get a better handle of what my portion sizes should look like as well as the amounts of proteins, fruits, veggies, carbs and fats I should be eating. It really is a matter of retraining yourself on what you eat and how you eat. Don't give up!