Feeling insecure



  • christieann30
    christieann30 Posts: 6 Member
    You are gorgeous what ever your feeling do not ever let it get to the point where you can't take your children swimming or to the park etc you are rarely perceived the way you think you are, you will only ever regret the things you didn't do , rarely do we beat our selves up about the things we did do because there past tense we've done them we can't change it but knowing we could of done something but for lack of confidence we didn't and we missed out or our children missed out it's harder to forgive believe you are beautiful and love your self anyone that doesn't just is not worth your time xx
  • blue443
    blue443 Posts: 61 Member
    Stay positive, the hard part is to appreciate who we are. We are far to critical of ourselves. Easy to compare what we know about ourselves to what we don't know about someone else.
  • VictorLAnderson
    VictorLAnderson Posts: 2 Member
    Being in good shape begins with what is inside. Take care of that and the outside will take care of itself. I suspect you already know that....just a reminder
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    Regardless of your body--which I can't see--you are really pretty. Way above average, so at least there is that, so even if you aren't 100% stoked about your body, at least you are pretty.
  • kchuskey
    kchuskey Posts: 882 Member
    Pottsey_x wrote: »
    Does anyone else feel insecure about the size that they are or just me?

    I've had two children and most of my friends havnt had any at all, I never want to go to spa days or holidays because I feel awful in myself all the time and have nobody to talk to about it

    Wow! You are beautiful! Don't be silly!
  • WSUShocker1976
    WSUShocker1976 Posts: 10 Member
    Pottsey_x wrote: »
    Does anyone else feel insecure about the size that they are or just me?

    I've had two children and most of my friends havnt had any at all, I never want to go to spa days or holidays because I feel awful in myself all the time and have nobody to talk to about it

    Each of us has at least one thing about our bodies that we want to change or we wouldn't be here.
  • WSUShocker1976
    WSUShocker1976 Posts: 10 Member
    Pottsey_x wrote: »
    Tryed telling my partner about my insecurities but he's just drove off, you only get one life why do I put myself through this!!

    Hang around here and find out how supportive we can be!
  • Pottsey_x
    Pottsey_x Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys!! I'm feeling so much better today love you all xxxx
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I have had 4 kids. I will never be the before me... but like you... I love my kids. I have also learned to love me!
    Negative "self talk" is something that I fight with every single day. So when I find myself focusing on something I don't like I reaffirm things that I do like. It is difficult some days and some days I feel amazing. Find your focus and your balance. You are a beautiful woman and I am sure your children are amazing!!!!