Losing momentum after losing 50 lbs

I had this big goal of losing 50 lbs before I went to Mexico. Well I lost the weight and went to Mexico. I've been home for a few weeks and I haven't lost anymore weight and I've been struggling to work out and eat right! I still have 30 more lbs I'd like to lose!!!! It's so frustrating when I was doing so well before! Any tips on how to get my butt back into gear? 8joh4s4spxhr.jpg


  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    i think you look perfect, where is the extra 30 lbs?
  • ChrisRendon1128
    ChrisRendon1128 Posts: 103 Member
    Just take it one day at a time!! Set short term goals.. Like "I'm going to stay under my calorie goal for 3 days" and slowly go down that route.. Hope that helps.. You're looking great though!
  • martinmommy
    martinmommy Posts: 22 Member
    belfle wrote: »
    i think you look perfect, where is the extra 30 lbs?

    oh that just made my day thanks! and the weight is all in my thunder thighs! lol
  • jennyi27
    jennyi27 Posts: 114 Member
    It sounds like you just need a little boost so you feel better about the decisions you are making and have the motivation to keep moving forward. After all, it's really hard when it feels like you are doing all you can, and the scale won't budge! I know some people may disagree, but this helped me once when I got into a similar rut. I went to the Atkin's website. The website has a list of approved foods during different phases of the Atkins diet. Stick to the Phase 1 foods for about 2 weeks. You will eat a lot of greens and proteins. By sticking to this diet, it will help to eliminate any additional water weight/bloat from your body, and I found that it gave me a lot of energy. After that 2 weeks, slowly start to reintroduce carbs. Just seeing the numbers on the scale change - even if it was due to that water weight - helped me stick to my diet longer. Good luck and keep up the hard work!
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    You look great! I think you might want to rethink the 30 and see how you feel after losing another 10. But yes when you hit one big goal you do lose momentum. I hit the 40 mark and just maintained - for weeks- when I really need to lose another 20 or more.
    Can you think up an even better treat than Mexico, maybe?
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    I have a hard time losing in my legs and my arms. I am in the same boat, this month celebrating 3 birthdays made me way off on my food logging. I'm back on it this week, taking a photo of everything I eat before I eat it. Still working out cardio and weight lifting every other day. I changed it up recently with muscle pump in the evenings. I eat less with an evening workout.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You look great. If you want to keep losing, you need to decide WHY you want to lose weight now that you've met your "trip to Mexico" goal. Maybe you just need to pretend that you're getting ready for another trip? For me, that's the problem with event-based goals. Once the event is over, what happens?
  • andrewjbaker1984
    andrewjbaker1984 Posts: 33 Member
    Well firstly you don't need to lose as much as that based on the pictures. Congratulations on losing 50lbs - you must/should be so proud.

    It's difficult after you've been on a fab holiday (which I'm guessing was your motivation) and you're back to the realities of daily life to push yourself again... I struggle like mad with that. It's bad enough being back in work without having to also go to the gym, eat sensibly, log food etc. No thank you!!

    If you want to lose more weight then why not try and maintain/allow an increase of a few pounds for a month or two until you rediscover your motivation to hit it hard again? It's not a race - make sure you don't undo all your hard work, take a bit of a break and then when you're ready to go again, smash it like you smashed it before, only this time you'll be at your goal weight. I've done it like this and I really think it works
  • Chargunshow
    Chargunshow Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 2016
    You could choose another goal in the short term. Go on maintenance as far as eating goes and pick a fitness goal. If you're a runner, train for a race. If you go to the gym, try some new classes or improve your strength with weightlifting. Mix things up so you have something to work towards but you're not obsessing about your weight for awhile.
  • martinmommy
    martinmommy Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I'm not totally sure 30 lbs is really my goal. That's what I use to weigh, but that was when I never worked out and now I have a lot more muscle from weight lifting. I think I need to readjust what my goal is. I also am signing up with my siblings to do a mud run in 6 months. Any idea of short term goals I could make? Another trip to Mexico is not in the cards!