P90X or Insanity

MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering which one of these work outs would be better. For exercise now I do Wii Fit, the MJ experience game and now speed walking which I'm up to 8.6 miles now. =] Anyways I was wondering which one would be better for a Grad Student like me. Please help. =/


  • I don't know about Insanity ... but I just started week 4 of P90x and I love it! You get toning/muscle building as well as cardio
  • canmancan
    canmancan Posts: 14
    I like Insanity because you do not need any equipment. One is more muscle building, Insanity is extreme cardio with muscle development through body weight exercises. They are quite different from what I know, which may not be enough.
  • I have done Insanity, just a warning, it is HARD the first time through! I did the first month, recovery week and a few days into 2nd month then got off track. Have restarted and it is easier but still gives you an awesome workout, I sweat buckets every time.

    Just curious, what does anyone enter the workout as?
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    It depends on your goals. If I could do it all over again I would have done Insanity first, then P90X. Even though I am having great results from P90X, on day 71 and lost 33 pounds so far, I would still do Insanity first. Insanity would burn all the goo off and then P90X would build you up again.

    It is a shorter program (60 days) instead of 90 which would mean you "graduate" faster causing you to get more motivated to do the next program.
  • I have done them both and love them both for different reasons. I love P90x bc of the muscle definition and how it concentrates on all of your muscles. Insanity I love that the first month the workouts are only 40min. Or less. And there is no equipment and every single day is craaaazy! Insanity is definitely harder. But really you can't go wrong with either.
  • canmancan
    canmancan Posts: 14
    I enter it as what it says on the Insanity calendar. I have a HR monitor and input the calories, time and name of the day.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Both are great workouts, but it really does depend on your goals. Are you looking to build muscle or bulk up? Are you looking to lose more weight? P90X is def the program to build muscle and bulk you up, it also has good cardio. Insanity is just that insane, and you def. will burn some calories. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you everyone. I'm trying to lose weight and then tone up. So I'm seeing that I should do Insanity first then P90x cause I'm not trying to build muscle but rather lose these pounds I've gained since freshmen men year. =/
  • anchorruud
    anchorruud Posts: 3 Member
    I find Insanity really hard on the knees because of a lot of Plyometric jumping up and down and lots of squat jumps. It was like doing suicide drills back in my highschool tennis team days.
    I log it in myfitnesspal as circuit training or calisthenics.
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
    day four of insanity............thank god for recovery today!! hardest workouts ive ever done. looking forward to the results.
  • Smiley68
    Smiley68 Posts: 6
    I did 10 weeks of P90X and had great results, I just keep struggling in the kitchen. I stopped the P90x due to an old shoulder injury has flared up. So I actually started Insanity today, and well I am suffering from Insanity right now LOL!

    Its very intense. Honestly its probably the most intense workout I have ever done, now in basic training and AIT, while i was in the army was intense at times but I was younger and thinner then.

    I am looking forward to tomorrow!
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